Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Verse a Week

A couple weeks ago I finished reading the book A Wife After God's Own Heart (loved it! you can read my book notes here) and now I'm starting A Mom After God's Own Heart and studying the 10 ways to love my children (well, I only have a 9-month old so far, but I'm learning and preparing for the future). I only had time to read the intro today but already I've set a new goal for myself. (read on to find out what it is) At the end of every chapter the author has a list of "Little Choices That Reap Big Blessings," and I just love these lists because they're real ways to apply God's teaching to my daily life.

One of the suggestions (just in the intro, remember) is to analyze your TV time and consider how you could "use that time to grow in your knowledge of God, to put better things into your heart and mind, to pray for your family to follow God." I already try not to watch too much TV. My husband and I have specific shows we always watch during the week, and that's pretty much it. I HATE channel surfing because to me, it's like you're settling on something to waste your time. But TV time is still definitely an area that could be better managed.

But the real thing I'm going to start doing is to memorize a Bible verse every week so that I will know God's word in the same way that Hannah knew God's word, and Mary and Daniel, and David, and so many others knew God's word. I need to strengthen my own knowledge so I can help teach my children. So that's my goal, to memorize one Bible verse every week. I did this in college with my roommates and I thought it was great, but I haven't done it since. And when Eli gets a little older I'll choose age-appropriate Bible verses to help him memorize too!

I'm going to start simple, since many verses I could recite but I don't actually know where they're from. So I'll work on that. If anyone would like to join me, I would love that! Keep each other accountable to actually doing it. I'll leave a Mr. Linky and if you'd like to do this with me just sign your name below! A new verse will be posted next Thursday, so be sure to come back!

This week's verse: Luke 10:27 NIV
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself."


  1. Ephesians 6:1 is a good first verse for Elijah. :)

    I've never had good success memorizing Bible verses. It seems to go better if I choose large sections (like chapters) to memorize, so I can get the context. I haven't done any for a while, but I probably should get back on that.

  2. Oh no! Now I really have to get back to memorizing. I was thinking the other day that I hadn't done memory verses in a week or two, and no I' don' have an excuse. Darn! But thanks!


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