Thursday, September 27, 2007

Baby Gender!!!

That's right, we're having a girl! I can't even tell you excited I am to have a daughter--to do her hair, dress her in purple and pink, give her my old dolls I loved sooo much, teach her about womanhood and how to be a good wife and mom and how to take care of the home, cook with her in the kitchen, talk with her on the phone all the time even once she's moved out of the house, become friends.... So many great dreams all because of the wonderful relationship I have with my own mom! There's just something special about the relationship between a mother and daughter, just as there is between a father and son. And I just can't wait! She's looking great and everything measured right on track! And all throughout the ultrasound I kept confirming with the tech that it was still a girl and definitely we got a good view and it was quite clear! Thanks, everyone who's been praying!


  1. YAY!!!!!! So happy for you !!!! So glad everything is looking good as well! I thought about you guys all day long! (I was hoping for a girl!)



  2. Hooray!!! I am SOOOOOO excited for you guys! WOOOHOOOO!!!

  3. Sarah I'm so excited for you!!! :) That's so exciting that you'll have a baby girl to love in your family! It's also great to know that she's healthy and everything is looking good. :)

    God Bless,
    Rae Lynne

  4. You could have titled this post "Baby Sex" and it would have been more in line with the contemporary theories of sex and gender (that sex is biological while gender is a social construct).... Of course, that title would have sounded WEIRD. :)

    I'm looking forward to meeting my little niece!

  5. Congrats!!!!

    My dh wants a girl a daughter so bad.

  6. Congrats!!! I am so happy for you!!!
    Girly things-how fun! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog to tell me. It really brightened my day. :)

    So, any names yet? Are you having another shower or anything since you had a boy first?

  7. Sarah, I couldn't be happier for you! You will be such a wonderful role model.
    So excited for you!!!!!!
    You ARE blessed!


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