Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Since I just started another round of the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge hosted by Speaking from the Heart, this week I'm especially thankful for my husband.

I am thankful for Kevin's hard work. It's the week before my due date and here he's just been put on shift work (5am-5pm, 7 days a week). He's put in 2 weeks leave for whenever baby comes, but it sure makes for long days leading up to it. It's the Navy so of course we didn't know about this schedule until yesterday, so it's put a damper on appointments and plans. It also means long days for me with Eli and little "couple time" or "family time" we might try to enjoy before the addition of a new baby. Yet Kevin hasn't complained at all. And I'll just be extra encouraging and supportive through this challenging week. I AM thankful that he's still on days though instead of nights this time!

I am thankful for Kevin's friendship. We have a lot of fun together and enjoy just hanging out, whether it's playing games, watching a movie, or running errands.

I am thankful for Kevin being such a good dad. He's so great with Eli. He loves his little boy so incredibly much, and it's such a blessing to see. Not all dads are like that, so I am very thankful for who Kevin is.

I am thankful for Kevin's strength as the leader of our family. I don't know what I'd be without him.

I am thankful for Kevin as my companion. Through parenting I've come to realize how patient this man is, so much more so than I. When days are hard he knows how to handle things calmly and with control. He offers comfort when I need it, and he's there to share the load. I love him.

For more Thankful Thursday visit Sting My Heart.


  1. Happy TT to you!

    So blessed God has given you such a GREAT hubby!

    God loves a grateful heart...


  2. How very sweet and encouraging. You are so blessed to have such a devoted caring husband.


  3. Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm so happy to read through and see that you are also doing the 30-Day Challenge. Your entry for this post was simply lovely. In fact, I would suggest - if you are the keep-sake type of person - to print this off for your children when they grow older and you begin teaching them about love within a marriage.

  4. Wow - you might have had your baby already and I am just getting around reading your post from last week.

    It is so cool that you beloved was able to take some time off while you are having your new baby :) .

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and up-lifting Thankful post with us this past week.

    Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

    PS: I pray that the delivery will go well.


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