Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Serve your neighbors.

This is my FAVORITE time of year, as it is for most people, I'm sure. It's not just being able to get outside and play and do things; for me a lot of it's about getting together with friends, planning activities. Along with that, there are sooo many easy ways to encourage fellowship and serve others. So here are a few ideas, however, please feel free to share more!

15 Ways to Serve Your Neighbors during Spring/Summer:

1. Set up a FREE lemonade stand with your kids, just offering a cool beverage for anyone passing by.
2. Chat with your neighbors when you see them out and about.
3. Host a neighborhood cookout, or cookout for friends. (not implying that your neighbors can't be your friends.)
4. Play a park day with other moms.
5. Invite a friend to go for a walk/stroll with you.
6. Encourage your husband to have a "guys" day-- play ball, go bowling, or something.
7. Ask for help. I'm a firm believer (just trying to convince my husband) that asking other people for help on house projects or whatever is a great way to get to know someone. a) you're acknowledging someone else's talents, b) you're showing you trust them with their skill/advice, c) you're opening doors for fellowship and bonding by working together on something instead of maybe awkwardling trying to carry conversation, and d) you're humbling yourself.
8. Host an ice cream sundae party or make homemade ice cream.
9. Invite friends over for outdoor games.
10. Go to community events. ie: plays, festivals, pancake dinners, outdoor concerts. Especially for us who live in the country who just moved into a new area, this is a good opportunity to meet people in the community.
11. Leave May baskets for your neighbors, including a nice note.
12. Visit the elderly. If you're passing by, take the time to sit down and visit with them, especially if you have children. I KNOW it will make their day. One of our old lady neighbors stopped by with cinnamon rolls to welcome us to town, and I'm looking forward to returning her pan and giving us an excuse to stop by and visit with her.
13. A lot of babies are born this time of year. So if someone you know has a baby, make them a meal (delivered in disposable containers they don't have to return) and maybe even offer to watch their other children.
14. Share your extra garden produce.
15. Share your truck. If you have a truck, offer to help someone else who might need it for something.

So there ya go, tons of ideas and I'm sure tons more! I know a lot of them seem like natural things to do, but don't let the time pass you by, wishing you could've done more!


"Serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command. Love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:13-14

"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:9-11

"Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart." Psalm 36:10

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." Matt. 25:45

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