Thursday, April 1, 2010

The joys of toddlers

Okay, if you've seen my last couple posts, you probably understand the need for this post.  Today I'm leaving the house for a few minutes and taking some time to reflect and "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Cor. 10:5, this week's memory verse)  by seeing my children as the blessings that they are!  The kids are watching a show, and Carter's still asleep in his car seat right here next to me.  So right now I want to think about my children and the great things about them being young, the great things to enjoy right now while I still can!

* Their zest for life and excitement over little things-- pancakes with whipped cream, park days, picnics on the living room floor, picnics OUTSIDE, new books, trains going by, combines in the field, baby chicks, tricycles, puddles, rainbows, apple slices that look like rainbows, cheese slices cut with a cookie cutter, tiny Spaghettio's, those little tiny "baby grapes" that didn't actually grow into a full-sized grape, Lunchables, play dates with friends, lawn mower rides, swimming pools, coloring with markers, opening presents, putting pennies in their piggy banks, etc
* They're SO PROUD when they learn how to do something all by themselves.
* I can still snuggle them in the rocking chair before nap and bedtime.
* They actually believe that kisses make boo-boo's all better.
* Birthday's are THE BEST and all year long they ask about when it's coming.
* They stand on the end of their beds pretending they're riding fire trucks. Closets are elevators.  And the stairs are bunk beds. A pile of blankets is something to splash in. And a ball on top of a cup is an ice cream cone.
*  Bedtime routine means so much to them that they melt to tears if they didn't get their goodnight hug.

Seriously, why do I get so upset about silly little things that mean the world when you're a little kid???!  I'm going to try to do better about every day doing one thing (at least)  that will bring delight to my children, because that in turn is what brings me delight too!

1 comment:

  1. this brought tears to my eyes. I've been so impatient with both boys today. why can't we be joyful like they are?


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