Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Cleaning 2010

Ah, I FINALLY found my planning notebook that's been MIA {in the way back, under the couch} for several weeks now!! And here is my spring cleaning list that I've been waiting to find!

1. Take a box load to Goodwill.
2. Print pictures for playroom clock.
3. Clean porch.
4. Clean the shed outside and sweep up all the hay that's in there for the cats. It STINKS and I hate it!!
5. Take and print family picture for office frame.
6. Take a box of kid toys to Paul and Holly's house for whenever we're there.
7. Pass on or donate all maternity clothes.
8. Scrape loose plaster, mud, and repaint upstairs bathroom with special bathroom paint because with the lack of ventilation in there we've got mildew issues!
9. Paint master bedroom.
10. Vacuum van.

So what's on your big list this year??


  1. What a great list! I wish I had some more motivation over here!

    I'm working on painting the living room right now, and this summer I need to clean out the office/"junk room."

    Good luck with your list!

  2. Donate all maternity clothes, ehh??? Shall I assume you "done" then? :) 3s the magic #!

    I've got a list brewing too. Too bad ours is also just a list at this point.
    Good luck with yours!


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