Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our Family Top 10

My friend Randi did something sort of like this for their Christmas card.  I thought it was a cute idea and it's still been in my head so I thought I'd follow that same idea to describe our family...

10 years since I graduated high school.
9 states Kevin and I have lived in combined.
8 minutes we live from town.
7 days a week we do family time.
6 years we've been married
5 gallons of milk we drink a week.
4 "farm" cats.
3 beautiful crazy heads we call our children
2 years we've lived here in Nebraska.
1 God we love and serve.

Do this about your family and leave it in the comments!!  =)


  1. what a great idea! I love it. :) I need to think about this for a bit.

  2. I LOVE this, Sarah!! :) I think it's definitely something I'd like to do each year (but it may get harder and harder to come up with something) :D

  3. Say WHAT? 5 gallons of milk per week? WOW!!!

  4. I KNOW! It was almost 4 before, and now that Carter drinks store milk too, it's almost 5 now!

  5. Great idea! I might have to try this!


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