Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Meanderings - Sept. 26

Good morning, friends! I'm awake and at 'em and feeling highly organized today! Don't have a lot on the schedule this week, so that feels good...

Bible Study... Start Week 3 lessons of No Other Gods, also reading One Thousand Gifts and learning how to have a life of gratitude and contentment

Memory Verse...  2 Corinthians 3:18
"And we who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Clean house.
♥ Have his work clothes ready.
♥ Keep evenings for him.
♥ Make blackberry cobbler.
Rearrange a mini photoshoot so he'll be able to visit family in a couple weeks.

Train Them Up...
* Have Eli paint some cards for his teachers. 
* Patience with them.
* I've sort of been doing potty training stuff with Carter.

Personal Goals...
* Start a new book. Compile reading list.
* Run 4 miles 2x this week. Walk 2 days. And Jillian 1 day.
* Stay off of FB.
* Start a Gift List.

New Habit of the Month...  {september} Turn OFF Facebook alerts on my phone.

MUST Do... 
* give Emma's birthday present
* make meal for Lori
* get fall decorations out
* make cards for Eli's teachers
* send FB message about reunion weekend

Zone(s)... basement room/kids clothes

Menu -

M - tacos
T - turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes
W - creamy chicken and wild rice soup
Th - girls night (grilled cheese for Kevin and the kids)
F - spaghetti
S -  leftovers
Su - TBD

* walking with friends during preschool Tuesday
* girls night out dinner with church friends Thursday evening

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. Lots of girl time this past weekend.
2. Books and the wonderful things we can learn through them.
3. My Aunt Linda {who recently was diagnosed with cancer} is FINALLY starting to improve!!


  1. so glad your aunt is doing better; I'll be praying for her. You sound happier and less stressed, friend. And can I borrow that book you're reading when you're done? Is No Other Gods a write-in-it study?? Are you liking it?

  2. another friend was asking about date ideas and it reminded me of you. So I stumbled across a new website and came up with some ideas to share. There's more on the site, but these were some of my favorites.


Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Please leave a comment so I know you've been here! Blessings on your day! ~Sarah