Thursday, December 8, 2011

*A pause from your regular programming...*

Just want to say I am so MAD.  Like so mad I just sent the kids to bed at 7pm. No prayers, songs, or anything.  And Hannah DID actually nap today so 7 was a full hour early.  Sometimes they just walk around DESTROYING everything.  Not really intentionally. Of course not. It's just in their nature for it to happen. All the time.  Like dump bitty pieces of K'Nex stuff all over Carter's pack n play. And totally bust a large picture frame holding a giant handmade gift from a friend we're no longer in contact with really.  And throw nicely rolled up washcloths all OVER the bathroom.  And constantly, all day long, every single day toss the Fisher Price nativity pieces all over the house. And immediately grab the paper off the printer causing it to instantly wrinkle before I've even had a CHANCE to get it myself even though I'm sitting right there.  Christmas books are everywhere. We've recently moved the living room rug and now it's all bunched up and never lays right and I can't physically put it back under both couches alone, so it continues to look like crud every day.  I have a crock pot FULLLLL of soup I didn't like!  And now what?!  SO ready for today to be over with!!!


  1. So, so sorry you had such a rough day! Take a breather tonight, tomorrow is a new day. Sometimes it's good to just vent and get it all out there ...


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