Thursday, April 12, 2012


I've been hurt by a lot of people lately. Mostly people I've tried to make plans with but they've all fallen through for really crappy reasons. Most of the time I try to be understanding. All the time I try to be supportive. But after awhile of just feeling burned by everyone, I say enough. I feel like giving up, withdrawing. Reflecting on where I've been putting my trust and hope. In people instead of the Lord perhaps? I care but maybe I've let it matter TOO much, let YOU matter too much. So I'm taking some time. I might not answer your messages. Please know I'm not trying to be mean, just hurting.


  1. I'm sorry Sarah, I've been there and know exactly what you feeling. I'll be praying for peace and clarity as you pray about it. I LOVE YOU!!

  2. Sarah, I'm sorry you've been having such a hard time. It is hard not to be hurt when it feels like everyone is letting you down. Hang in there!!! This season doesn't last forever! I promise!!!

  3. Basics: You are loved. You are valuable. You are beautiful.God is God above all earthly things.

    The reactions of people around you does not change those basics.


Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Please leave a comment so I know you've been here! Blessings on your day! ~Sarah