Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The goings on. {Random}

* Hannah does little scribbles on paper and truly thinks she's writing her name. I love it.
* I had to confiscate the markers.  Too many open markers laying all over all the time, and now there is marker on the carpet.  Thankfully it's the play room, and I don't care too much. But still.
* I just pulled out Eli's old bin of 9-12 month clothes and it looks like Carter will fit a lot of them for the next couple months anyway while we still have hot/warm weather.  How can Little Man be growing up SO FAST!
* I'm getting excited about fall shows returning soon.  Though I'll probably have to watch via Internet the day after because ABC likes to quit out on me when I do choose to watch something which really isn't very often.
* These cool mornings have been AMAZING!  Wish I could get out for more walking!
* Little Man has been waking up really early lately.  Between 5:30 and 6am early.  Not cool.  But I either feed him right away in hopes that he'll go BACK to sleep or I leave him be and he plays til a normal time.
* I've been super unmotivated lately.  I have great goals but my follow-through is terrible.  Why is self-discipline SO. HARD.?!
* Eli's in preschool.  I love it.  Totally love it.  I feel-like-a-new-woman love it.  =)
* Tea parties are fun.  I hope that even when my kids are grown I will continue to have tea parties.
* We just got a new windshield put on the van on Thursday afternoon.  Saturday morning it was cracked all the way through the middle again.  Not cool.
* Now Kevin used his one day off to go back to Omaha to have them re-do it. Again.
* Carter crawls across the room to climb in the my lap now.  It's so cute.
* I'm getting anxious for our dining room and bathroom and bedroom to be complete.  But I have NO DESIRE to do it myself.  We need to paint and stain trim and sew a bunch of curtains.  Anyone wanna do it???  Anyone??
* Okay, going to attempt to go offline until the kids' naptime.  Adios!

What's been going on at your house lately??


  1. speech therapy, job searching...waiting, waiting, waiting - fun right?

  2. I am SO with you on the self discipline! Trying SO hard to 'be good' and eat healthy and make time for exercise but sadly it's so incredibly hard to follow through!

  3. I want to come sew and paint with you! (And have a tea party, too!)
    I'm hoping I get to see you soon, my friend...


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