Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Meanderings - Feb. 14

Bible Study... I'm going through Mission of Motherhood with my friend Randi right now, and I'm loving it!  Definitely feeling renewed from this!

Memory Verse... 1 John 3:18
"Let us not with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."

Husband Encouragement... 
♥ Positive attitude.
♥ Be his helper.
♥ Tidy home.
♥ Gentleness with the children.

Train Them Up... 
* Say YES more.  I've been doing this more the last few days, and it feels good.  Saying yes to Hannah if she wants me to read a book again, saying yes if Eli wants me to help him with Legos, quit what I'm doing immediately if they want to show me something.  Expect and embrace the "interruptions" they sometimes are.

Personal Goals... 
* For the first time in years, I'm finally getting back to exercise!  Just need to get into a regular routine!

New Habit of the Month...
Unload dishwasher in the morning before breakfast.

MUST Do...
* Pack bags for our overnight tonight.
* Get the car washed.
* Set up an appointment for the car.
* Post office.
* Submit something for MOPS newsletter.

Zone... Master bedroom. 

Menu - TBD

* This GORGEOUS weather we're going to have this week!!
* Headed home this afternoon until tomorrow to see Kevin's sister and her husband while they're back for a couple days.
* Park day Wednesday maybe?

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. My sweet Hannah as she turns 3 today!
2. This beautiful sunshine!  It's so refreshing!
3. Delicious breakfast as a family to start off the week.

Alrighty, so MckLinky doesn't work anymore!  Until I figure something else out, you can leave your link in the comments!  Have a great week!



  2. Happy Valentine's Day. I know you and Kevin find a few moments to celebrate each other and all the others you love. God Bless.



  4. I wish we lived closer, I would meet up with you for park day! That sounds heavenly. I can't wait for Spring to arrive so I can take Molly for her walks in the park. With the snow melting these days (thank you, Jesus!) it's a little too messy.

    Happy birthday to sweet Hannah. I hope you and your loves enjoyed Valentine's day!

    (By the way, I believe there is a new linky thingy out there. I've seen some in other blogs. I will email it to you should I come across it again.)

  5. Sounds like a great week for yall!

    I am finally getting back on track with blogging. But at a new blog :)

    Hope you have a very blessed week!



Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Please leave a comment so I know you've been here! Blessings on your day! ~Sarah