Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Meanderings - Apr. 4

Alright, back to it this week...  

Bible Study... I've been inspired lately.  I want to start a read-through of the whole Bible.  I've never completed it before, and I don't care if it takes me 90 days or 1 year or probably longer, I just want to read the whole story, the great origin-to-destiny story of redemption. I hear it's an amazing book!  =) Going to follow a chronological plan, but mostly I want to read however much I want to read.

Memory Verse... 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 (I'm going to keep this for the whole month, I think, instead of changing it every week)
"And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Clean out his truck. (trash and maybe even a wipe-down)
♥ Work clothes clean and folded on top of his dresser.
♥ Tidy up the living room.

Train Them Up...
* Stagger naptimes just a little bit and that will give me 1-on-1 time with each of them.
* Play outside as much as possible.
* Read with them.
* Keep to routine.
* Make Easter cookie jar with them.

Personal Goals...
Print April workout calendar. Work out 4x this week.
* Keep up with daily reading in marriage book.
* Paint my nails.

New Habit of the Month...  Spray down dining room table nightly.

MUST Do...
* Send mail to the Grandma's.
* Prepare and mail out MOPS postcards.
* Prepare MOPS lesson plan. (have a lot of ideas brewing already. landed on a great website last night--don't you love when that happens?!!)
* Take recycles to town.  (when it's not so WINDY!!) We have a stack of cardboards that are in the way of the laundry and it's driving me crazy.
* Schedule Carter's Dr checkup for next week.
* Clean up the grill for the season so we can maybe use it Wednesday on Kevin's day off.
* Return library books (due TODAY!)
* Order Hannah's new car seat.  Want to have both her and Carter switched before our big trip to SC next month.

Zone(s)... Living room and kitchen counters.

Menu - TBD

M -
T - enchiladas
W - chow mein
Th - something with ricotta cheese because we need to use it up
F -
S -

* Movie night with a girlfriend tonight!!  We're going to watch Life As We Know It-- have you seen it yet??
* MOPS planning meeting tomorrow--excited to see some of my favorite gals.  And maybe a park visit afterward.
* Kevin's day off Wednesday.  I think we might actually get to SEE him this time!
* Maybe taking Hannah for a preschool visit Thursday.
* Birthday party for Grady on Saturday.

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. I got to have a lunch date with my beautiful sister-in-law Holly on Saturday, just the two of us, not all the kids, and it was sooo nice!  Thanks, Holly!!
2. SPRING!  Grass is almost green, we've been playing outside all the time, windows are open (not today though!), and I feel MOTIVATED!  It's wonderful!!
3. My husband.  He's been working so hard. And still getting things done for our family in the little bit he IS home and loving on us.  And he's such a blessing.


  1. Life As We Know It is okay. Funny story and heartwarming at times, but has a few things in it that I would rather not see.

    I'm curious about your April workout calendar...?

  2. I'm jealous of your movie night!!

  3. What did you get for Hannah for a new car seat? Crossing my fingers for an easy install. Did you decide to move anyone around in the truck, what did you settle on since I don't think you'd decided whether to put Eli in the 3rd row or not. :) Have a great week!

  4. Love your blog. I was curious how you were able to put hearts as bullets.


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