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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thankful Thursday

It's been a pretty good week and today my heart is feeling thankful for...

1. Eli. He cut another tooth and has been back to sleeping until 7:00ish. Starts our day sooo much nicer. We're also almost completely done with binky. He can sleep without it now just fine and hardly uses it during the day even though we weren't intentional about that. Now we just need help getting through 5:00p.m. grumpy hour.

2. Hubby. Two days ago I was really maxed out and just needed a break when Kevin swept Eli up and took him off to the store so I could have quiet time to recharge. He's an amazing man and knows just when to step in and save the day. The Lord knew just what kind of person I needed as my life partner, and I am so thankful for the wonderful man to whom I am married.

3. A friend. I had not heard much from her at all for an entire year after normally talking to her weekly, but this week I got a really sweet letter in the mail at just the right time when I was in my "maxed out" moment. God has all our days planned and He knows when to drop these little blessings into our lives.

4. Day off. It was very nice enjoying a 3-day weekend last weekend. We didn't do much but it was nice having an extra day of family time.

5. House. My parents just bought a new house! They're a pastor and pastor's wife who have lived in church-provided house for forever, so this is actually their first house to buy together, and it's exciting! Closing is the end of this month.

6. Our townhouse. I've been grumpy about our place lately because everything seems to be breaking all at once, and I'm getting anxious to buy our own home in a year. So it's time to think of things I'm thankful for about it... it's much more affordable than the expensive apartment we were in before this. And it feels much more like a home because we have a front and back door instead of apartment building. We've come to really like our neighbors, and Eli loves the cats three doors down. Kevin has a garage and a place to work on his Jeep. We have air conditioning to cool us through the hot summer days and heat to keep us warm through winter. We're renting so we don't have to pay for these said repairs. And even though we have the oldest dishwasher ever that seems to have had better days, we have a dishwasher that we very greatly appreciate.

Alright, I better close for today and get breakfast on the table for little one and me. Enjoy your day, and take a moment to think about what your thankful for. To visit more Thankful Thursday folks, go to Sting My Heart.


Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

I am so thankful for my good husband too - it's amazing how God provides isn't it!

I hope the rest of Eli's teeth come through easy - it is such a trying time! My son is working on molars right now - exciting times at our house :)

Have a wonderful week!


Anonymous said...

A wonderful list, we have a lot to be thankful of without us realizing.

Nice to hear about your parents and their new start, because it is a new start :)

Hope you can get through the 5am grumpy hour. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Blessings on you and your family. What a sweet blessing that your parents get a house to call their own...

cryssi said...

Even though I am not participating in Thankful Thursdays (yet) I wanted to comment. I am very thankful for my husband also...he always seems to know just when I need him most. Congrats on your parents house and hope you do get to buy your own in a year.

5:00 grumpy hour....this seems to be when my kids are always hungry.even though they get a snack at 2:00 and supper is at 6:00 they are still hungry at 5. I usually give them a piece of fruit or some cheese or something like that or if I know that they are not really hungry and just bored, we will go outside for 15...that seems to calm them down and when we come back in they are thirsty so they get water which keeps them full until supper..

good luck

Lisa said...

I'm so encouraged to come across your blog from Thankful Thursday. Your attitude decision to be thankful about your townhouse is a practice I've had to employ much over the years. It really does make a difference. I know the Lord will bless you for choosing to have an attitude of gratitude!

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I loved hearing about your progress with the binky. I feel like you are my neighbor.

I also thought it was wonderful the praise you gave to your husband. It always touches me to hear kind words about a spouse.

on the Rock said...

Wow. what a week of blessings!
God Bless!

Aunt Angie said...

Sarah, you always bless my heart. I am sorry I haven't been "visiting my favorite friends" much this week. I have been swamped more than usual at work. This is billing week (law office) and has had me overwhelmed for some reason. I have been extremely tired!
But I am so glad to sit here tonight and visit with you a minute. Could I have a cup of hot tea? (kidding)
I have been wondering how you are getting along too----growing out of your clothes yet? I hope you are doing well!
I know your parents are glad to finally have a home of their own. Jeff and I live on the church camp grounds site (in one of the houses they used to use for missionaries or overflow of campers), it's not our own, but they have let us make it "feel" like it by painting etc.
You are precious dear sweet Sarah. I will get back over here soon!
P.S. let me know as soon as you know "what" the baby is, I have a wonderful friend that makes "baby room" ensembles and I would love to send you something special!
Love you! Have a great weekend!!!

Susanne said...

It's great to have a wonderful man by your side, isn't it?? You were very wise to stop and give thanks for the blessings of your home. Sometimes we get so caught up in "things" that we fail to praise the Lord for the wonderful blessings he has already given us. Thanks for reminding me of that today. Blessings on you and yours!!