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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Responsibility Chart --Revised

So I made a responsibility chart for the kids awhile ago, things they need to without me telling them to (see this post) but they still were just not motivated, not remembering to do their stuff without me harping on them all day.  But I came up with another idea, and this time it seems to be working!  I printed the chart but this time I put that DIY laminating paper on it (and magnets stuck on the back) so we could reuse it instead of reprinting every week.  Instead of using stickers I'd put check-marks on it with dry erase marker (which does come off if you scrub hard enough with Windex &paper towel).  Well, Hannah wanted in on it too.  So I used red marks for Hannah and blue marks for Eli.  Then I decided to make it a contest.  Whoever has the most check-marks at the end of the day gets two marshmallows, and if you helped at all during the day you get one marshmallow.  They've been doing great with their responsibilities (though still not a full chart, but I'm still pleased).  And when one remembers to do their chores, I can say loudly, "Oh look!  Eli remembered to put his cup in the fridge!!" And then Hannah will usually follow.  Or Hannah's the first one to do it and Eli will follow.  The great thing about siblings!

So here's the new chart...


bp said...

Great idea! Glad it is working too!

Kathy said...
