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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Give thanks. Always.

"Give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

1 Thessalonians 5:18

My thankful list:

Beautiful fall weather. Safety in deer accident (we hit a deer Sunday night). Place to stay during this transition. Prospective job. Food. Family. Friends. Wonderful husband. Clothes. Dreams. Joy. Shoes. Warmth. Blogging friends. Wisdom through books. Hot tea. A good night's sleep. Cozy blankets. Sunshine. Quality time with kids. Quiet evenings. Dates with Kevin. Laughter....

It's easy to be thankful for the good things in life, but what about the not-so-good? Here is a list of things that have been challenging me lately and my reflections on how I can still be thankful.

* We REALLY want to get settled into a place of our own BUT God is teaching us to be patient and follow HIS plan.

* I'm anxious to get our things back--our clothes, shoes, and kitchen stuff--BUT God is reminding me that I don't need them.

* We are anxious to have an income especially around holiday time BUT God is reminding s that we can bless family and friends in other ways.

* I wish we could set up a Christmas tree and decorations, BUT this time is teaching us how to simplify.

* The deer accident is at a really inconvenient time in life when we're already busy with decisions BUT God was and is our mighty protector. And He is reminding us that we are not in control. HE is.

* I so miss high speed Internet BUT God is helping me finally learn to spend less time on the computer anyway.

* I very much miss my kitchen supplies like a mixer, whisk, and spices, BUT God is reminding me not to take little things like that for granted.


alisha said...

Wow Sarah! Way to be so positive!! We all have so much to be thankful for!!

Jules said...

Amen, my sweet friend and I hope you and your family have a VERY Happy Thanksgiving!! :)



Holly said...

I love it! It's also so astonishing in that you would think of negatives and turn them into positives to be thankful for - that shows humility and trust in the Lord. (It's astonishing because most people don't think that way, not becausae I wouldn't expect it from you or anything) :D You are a testimony of one who seeks to honor and trust in God's faithfulnes and that's awesome!