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Friday, February 19, 2010

Play kitchen toys that actually smell like the real thing

It's called empty stuff from your kitchen. Even when washed they keep some of their smell. And I like that! Gives kids a chance to explore their senses! Strawberry milk powder, vanilla creamer, lemon juice, coffee beans, cinnamon, garlic salt, chili powder, cappuccino. I suppose one of these days I could blindfold Eli and have him guess what he's smelling!
Ever since I brought this little cupboard up from the basement so the kids could use it in the playroom, I've been saving a lot of things from the kitchen as we finish them. Plastic containers like these and taping back cardboard boxes for things like mac n cheese, pudding, cake mix. Easy, free toys and probably more fun than what you'd find in the store anyway!

P.S. I've posted a bunch of new pics over at the family blog, so go check 'em out!


S Club Mama said...

omg what a great idea. I've been wanting a kitchen set for Tristan...but this is great. Now I just have to remember to save things.

Jules said...

We do this, too!! I just never thought to blog about it! You are such a great mother..love you!

Melissa said...

I have had your blog bookmarked for some time on a particular entry, but I hadn't looked at much of it until tonight when I was just free with nothing else to do. You are SUCH an inspiration...and I TOTALLY and 100% relate to everything in your life. I am a mom of three kiddos. 3.5 yr old son, TJ....2 yr old daughter, Sadie....and 3 month old baby boy, Jack. TOTAL blessings! But life is quite chaotic most days. I'm just now learning about roomtime and I am trying my hardest to get a grasp on behavior and achieving first-time obedience. It's HARD to say the least. I love what you are so willing to share on your blog, and I just wish I lived near you so I could gain some wisdom and see just how you do it--I'm sure you have many tips I could use! Anyway--commenting here because I saw this post on the "kitchen toys"...and I've been saving things from my own kitchen for just about 2 weeks so my kids can have them as toys. :) We have a LOT in common. It's just about eerie how much!