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Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Meanderings

(this is a sized banner now, if you want to re-save and use this one)

Bible Study - Mission of Motherhood and Created to Be His Help

Memory Verse - Isaiah 26:3-4 (doing this one again)
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal."

Husband Encouragement
* Love Dare devotional
* Say nothing negative to or about him.
* Cook some nice meals for him before he heads into night shift and we don't have any meals together.
* Make sure I get all his jeans washed.
* Really try to find his missing sandal. For awhile we were swatting bugs left and right, so we had shoes scattered all over the place. Trying to get that back in order, but one of Kevin's sandals is MIA right now.

Train Them Up
* daily devotional (we've been forgetting lately) and personal Bible reading time with mama. Crystal does this and I love it so I want to start too. Have the kids sit and "read" in their Bibles while I read in mine for a few minutes.
* plan some sort of craft/activity this week

Personal Goals
* Get up before kids.
* Be consistent with diet.
* Exercise!

New Habit of the Month
* Clorox wipe down bathroom counter every night. (I'm already starting to get lazy with this! Need to watch it this week!)

* bills out
* finish mowing the back half of the lawn
* going out of town with the kids next weekend, need to make arrangements.
* find Kevin's sandal (as mentioned before) Thanks, Eli!
* still getting caught up on laundry
* clean out Carter's 0-3 month clothes
* replant corn in garden
* clean up shoe area

Zone - dining room

M - mini pizzas on the grill
T - brats, grilled potatoes, orange
W - steaks, pasta salad, fresh peaches
F - kids nite - chicken nuggets, fries, applesauce
S - breakfast nite - eggs, sausage, banana nut muffins
Su - out of town, visiting friends!

Dessert of the week: frozen lemonade pie

FUN Things!
* MOPS playdate on Tuesday
* haircut Tuesday afternoon (it's been almost 2 YEARS, you guys! I'm excited!!)
* get-together with college friends and kids on Sunday
* Kevin's still off 'til Thursday. we're getting LOTS done around the house (see HERE) and I'm excited we still have three more days with him!

3 things I'm thankful for today:
1. watching a good movie (Blind Side) with Kevin last night
2. BEAUTIFUL weather lately, not too hot!
3. great friends

Need help organizing your week and being productive with your time?? Join me with your plans and leave your link below so I can stop by! Have a great week!


Carrie said...

I have another online buddy who just posted that verse from Isaiah! It is one of my faves!! When we were waiting for travel approval from China, I was anxious about lots of things, and that's the verse I meditated one - LOVE it!

Have a great week, Sarah! ;)

P.S. I read the first chapter of MoM yesterday! ;)

Kelli said...

I am so sad I haven't been able to post my Monday Meanderings in the last 3 weeks! I will miss this Monday to because we will be on vacation. I will be back though, it is such an encouragement to me.

JOYfully in Him,