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Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Meanderings - Oct. 18

Good morning, friends!  How was your weekend??  Ours was a busy one--drove to my parents house Friday afternoon, Saturday Kevin and I spent the day out of town (3+ hrs away) for a wedding {at my college} and got to see some dear friends and reminisce while lots of family got to hang out with our kiddos.  It was a LAAATE night {a whopping 11:30pm} and we were beyond exhausted!  Sunday was church at my dad's church, lunch, and then the annual church fundraiser dinner, then we drove the 2.5 hrs back home.  Great weekend, but tiring.  And now we're heading into another fairly busy week!  Sheesh! SO here we go, gotta collect my thoughts and get my lists ready to check off!

Bible Study... Mission of Motherhood

Memory Verse... Psalm 27:14
“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Clean our room.
♥ Find him a jacket.  {his is misplaced, can't find it anywhere, and he really should have SOMETHING these days}
♥ Limit my computer time. That's been good.
♥ Positive attitude.
♥ Keep Friday open.  It really wears Kevin out when we constantly have things on the calendar. There's nothing for Friday when he has a day off, so I need to keep it that way.
♥ Mow for him if I have any time at all.
♥ Early bedtime.

Train Them Up...
* Room time.  We haven't been doing much of this for quite awhile and the kids REALLY need some regular time apart from each other.
* "Cup monster." {takes their cups for the day when they leave them out}
* Reinstate some morning routine that coordinates with Eli's school schedule.
* Play date Thursday??

Personal Goals...
* Hmm... I don't know??

New Habit of the Month... 
"One load a day, washed and away."

MUST Do... 
* Prayer note card.
* Sort through boy clothes.
* Whole house cleaned, top to bottom.
* Catch up on laundry.
* Call electrician. 
* Buy hangers.
* Check smoke detector batteries.  I think one is chirping this morning.

Zone... Since I really need to seriously do the whole house this week {you'll find out why in a minute}, I'm breaking it up
M - laundry, living room, dining room
T - laundry, bedrooms
W - laundry, playroom
Th - laundry, hutch, office
F - laundry, anything that hasn't gotten done yet

Menu - I actually don't care much about our menu this week.  If I'm going to focus on the house this week, then I need to go easy on the meals.  Crockpot maybe?

* Tuesday Carter has a 9-month checkup.
* Wednesday/Thursday are parent/teacher conferences at Eli's preschool. I'm excited to hear what his teachers have to say about it.
* Thursday night is Godly Girlfriends (women's fellowship) at church.
* Friday is Kevin's day off and Eli doesn't have school.  Keeping this day open.  Though we'll probably have to mow if I can't do it myself sometime during the week.
* Saturday I have grandparents coming to visit who we've only seen a few times in my whole lifetime.  Excited for them to meet the kids and see our place (though I need to clean hard!)

3 things I'm thankful for today... 
1. Emily and Randon who got married this past weekend.  Wishing them the very best life together!
2. The friends we got to see while we were there.  LOVE them!
3. Home.  Even if it's a complete DISASTER at the moment.  I love our home.  I love our family.
*4. Life has been great this week!

Join me??  Click HERE for guidelines, then link to your post below!  Have a blessed week!


S Club Mama said...

Are you doing Mission of Motherhood on your own or as a group study? Is it good?

Summer said...

Wow! You are busy this week. Have a good one. :)