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Friday, January 18, 2008

Busy at work!

Ever since I started getting up at 6:00 every morning my days have been incredibly productive and I've been knocking things off the baby to-do list like crazy! Just this week I completed:

#7 washed the baby's clothes and bassinet bedding
#11 got our overnight bags part-way packed
#12 wrote up Eli's schedule for our friends who will be watching him
#15 washed the sheets and tidied up the guest room for family and friends who will be visiting soon after baby's arrival
#4 moved the rocking chair out of Eli's room and downstairs to the living room
#3 finished Eli's quilt for his toddler bed:
(quilt front)

(quilt back)

and #28 on 101 Goals list: updated photo album (until 3 days ago we didn't have any pictures developed from since Eli was born! and now I've completed his first 10 months!)

Many of the remaining to-do's are in no rush. Now that I have the quilt done while I have time to sew, everything else related to the toddler bed can wait until sometime within two months AFTER the baby is here. And since the bassinet will definitely crowd our bedroom and takes no time to bring up from the basement and set up, we'll wait until closer to the due date. And it's not time yet to order the baby carrier. However, I AM hoping to tackle the basement starting this weekend or so. It's quite a disaster, especially since I've recently taken down more things to be stored away (Eli's clothes).

So that's how we're doing! Today's prenatal checkup confirmed that baby is in head-down position, so that's very good! We'll just keep waiting!


Anonymous said...

congrats on you babe!

family focus friday? my family left for the weekend so I am home alone.

Living Beyond said...

Well done lady - I love your quilt - so simple yet so lovely!

Sharon said...

You are so on top of things. :)
Good for you! And what a great example, too.