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Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Meanderings

Bible Study
Not sure yet.

Memory Verse
"For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Luke 6:45

Husband Encouragement

Train Them Up
* Library today. We haven't been there since before Christmas!
* try to do some one-on-one time with each of them

Personal Goals
* I was really trying to get up at 6am before the kids, but now Carter keeps waking up right before then.
* Start AdvoCare system.
* Do 30 Day Shred 2 times this week (trying for a goal that's realistic, especially since the kids and I have been doing a lot of walking)

Absolutely MUST Do
* pay bills
* vacuum upstairs - we've got a lot of buggies around! We vacuum downstairs nearly every day but the upstairs is more like once in a blue moon. Well, it's that time again!
* fill out preschool registration form
* send out MOPS postcards and finish lesson plans
* get garden tilled and plant seeds right away

Zone - diaper bag. I need a different bag or carry two smaller bags or something. All I know is I can't find a darn thing ever and have to unload the whole stinkin' thing just find my wallet, or checkbook, or phone, or kleenexes, etc. because they get buried underneath the diapers, wipes, spare underwear, spare outfit for Carter, burp cloths, nursing cover, and sippy cups.

computer desktop. I have a LOT of pictures that need imported to iphoto right now!

Menu -

Monday - ham steaks, sweet potatoes
Tuesday - grilled Italian chicken, oriental salad
Wednesday - mac n cheese with ham (thinking of doing a mac n cheese variation every week??)
Thursday - taco pizza
Friday - TBD
Saturday - TBD
Sunday - TBD

* After this incident I've asked Kevin if I can puh-leaase go grocery shopping by myself this week.
* MOPS planning meeting on Tuesday
* Eli and I get to visit preschool for all of Wednesday's class time.
* Kevin's off Tuesday thru Thursday this week.
* My best friend Angie is having her baby very soon!!

Prayer Requests
* That I would have peace and patience with my kids, particularly Eli who cries in reaction to everything and I just don't know what to do about it any more.
* I just found out last night that someone we knew from our church in Virginia checked himself into a hotel room and then shot and killed himself. He was a young husband in his 30s and a chiropractor. Marital problems, I hear, but it had to have been much more if it led to that. Just pray for everyone surrounding this situation. All his patients, friends, family, wife. Suicide leaves everyone else with a lot of questions, I imagine.

Things I'm thankful for today:
1. a lovely, somewhat last-minute Easter celebration with family! because Kevin had to work, my parents came down, picking up my brother and his wife on their way! We had an Easter egg hunt, picnic dinner, and a little bit of Bocce ball!
2. God knows when we really need a break. The kids were so good at church yesterday. Since Kevin was home sleeping, I had to manage them on my own for the Easter breakfast we had there, and the kids waited patiently at the table while I went through the food line. Carter slept THE ENTIRE TIME--through breakfast, through the short message after breakfast, and through church service and almost all the way 'til we got home! And after church the kids stayed right with me and we left right away so I didn't have to chase them down when it was time to go.
3. Redemption through the blood of Christ!

Join me!! Blessings on your week!

1 comment:

The Fischer Family said...

I'm so glad you had a (somewhat) peaceful Easter yesterday! It sounds like you really needed it! I'm sorry to hear about your friends suicide. We attended 4 funerals last year for people we knew who committed suicide (the last one was 16 years old!!!!). It is sooo hard to understand and I will be praying for his family and friends! And for him, that he has finally found the peace that he couldn't find in life now in the arms of our Savior. Have a blessed week, Sarah!