So glad you came to visit today! Here at my little corner of bloggy world I share a little bit about everything--family, parenting, goals, struggles, photography, recipes, n more! So curl up with a cup of hot tea {or not} and feel free to peruse around my site! Check out my sidebar for links. And come back again!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Centered Sunday - Feb. 16

Memory Verse... Psalm 19:14
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."

Train Them Up...
❤ Actually play with the Littles.
❤ Saturday evening bday outing with just Bigs?
Embrace this life.

Personal Goals...
💜 Run 3x and increase to 4 miles
💜 Scale to ***lb
💜 Find new book 

New Habit of the Month...
★ No alcohol. 21 days now!

Must do...
* Pay credit card bills
* Drop off donations

>>Anything Christmas, put AWAY!

M- beef roast
T- taquitos
W- chicken alfredo
Th- meat loaf, mashed potatoes
F- frozen pizza
S- birthday dinner out

3 Things I'm Thankful for Today...
1. Therapy. Having someplace to release my emotional energy especially when things are rough.
2. My mom has been so helpful lately, filling in the gaps when needed, with childcare, finances, or even a note of encouragement.
3. Good health and fitness. If I didn't have that there is so much of my life I wouldn't be able to do. I really am thankful.


 In honor of Valentine's Day this past week, these are a few things that self-love looks like...

Sweaty workouts




Afternoon naps

Reading a book

Buying yourself flowers


Fresh Air

Saying No

Leaving the dishes

Asking for help

Changing plans




Gotta end with chocolate. :)

Friday, February 14, 2025

A Time to Embrace.

When I say that I do have regrets in my life, that's in turn saying that I don't appreciate where I am now in my life. Saying (to Xander and Haven and Justin) that I regret you. Wow. That hurts.

It's time.

To reach a place of acceptance and truly EMBRACE this messy fucking life, and own it. It never would have been the story tale I had been wanting, even if I hadn't messed up. We weren't happy. Kevin and I weren't necessarily meant to be together but in this messy world of free will God still used it for good. He always does. Just like He has in these more recent years of trauma and struggles. He always has a purpose, for good and glory. I need to keep walking thru it. And embrace the whole damn thing.

Today is Valentine's Day, a day of love and embracing. God, as I continue through my day, keep working these thoughts through my head and my heart, and help me to overcome these barriers that are keeping me from accepting the life I have now and reaching a place of ultimate fulfillment and joy. 

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Rough Draft.

 If I were to write again, what would I say?

Would I talk about what led to divorce.

Or how divorce destroyed me.

But that I still somehow, with the grace and strength of God overcame.

But even still somehow for years chose crappy outlets to survive that never ultimately served me.

And that I'm finally FINALLY 8 years later actually breaking free and discovering ME.

What a hellacious journey life is sometimes.

Would I be brave enough? 

To write about it.

8 year hiatus.

 Is anyone still out there?