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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Better night.

Last night was a much better night than the previous two. This time I stayed awake during the feedings, playing games and reading blogs on Kevin's ipod, so I was awake enough to feed Carter a full feeding, changing his diaper mid-way instead of allowing myself doze and never really giving Carter a full feeding and thus never really getting real sleep. And the result: Each feeding/change took about 45 minutes and then Carter laid down in his bed just fine after both feedings with no additional wakings. After the second feeding (3:15am) I laid him in the middle of our bed, hoping it would help lengthen his next sleep period, to make sure he wouldn't wake up for a THIRD feeding. Don't know if that made any difference or not, but he slept fine. I just wasn't about to take any chances, because I wanted the very best sleep possible for a night! I know with Hannah I would play on my Nintendo DS (only game I have is Brain Age) during night feedings, and I think it helped. So that route just might be our new night routine until those feedings start getting more spaced out. I'm still pretty crazy tired today, still blurry vision, but at least I'm a lot more functional today and motivated enough to work on some school activities for the kids! That's gotta be a good sign, right?


cryssi said...

So glad you had a better night last night! I will keep praying for you and Hopefully you will get a good nights rest tonight too!!!


Erin said...

Oooh...I remember those nights with just one kiddo! Hang in there!! I remember turning on the bright lights and reading outloud while nursing Shiloh. It was the only way I could stay awake!!

In Light of the Truth... said...

The thing is Carter is in our room with us, and I sure don't want to turn the light on with Kevin sleeping right next to me!