So glad you came to visit today! Here at my little corner of bloggy world I share a little bit about everything--family, parenting, goals, struggles, photography, recipes, n more! So curl up with a cup of hot tea {or not} and feel free to peruse around my site! Check out my sidebar for links. And come back again!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Song: Baby Be Good

A few weeks ago I got this song stuck in my head as I began to put new lyrics to it.  So I decided one nap afternoon to actually finish it off.  It actually didn't take too long and here's the finished song I wrote.  For all you mommas out there who understand what it's like to have a baby who gets into everything, enjoy! 

*note: this is just for your entertainment purpose, please ignore my singing quality and pay no attention if I'm off a little on the karaoke (I'm not a professional!)

The words fly by pretty fast, especially in the beginning as the audio tries to adjust to my voice, so in case you can't understand them, here they are:

Baby Be Good
(tune: Johnny B. Goode)

No eating all the crumbs I'm sweeping off the floor
No digging in the cupboards, let me shut the door.
I can't pick you up now cuz I'm cooking on the stove.
Get out of the fridge, it's much too cold.
No licking all the shoes that might've stepped in poo.
No eating all the cat food, No it's not for you

No no, No baby, no no
No baby no no
no baby no no
no baby no no
Baby be good

No standing in your bed Now its time to nap
You're happy then you're sad in the click of a snap.
No playing in your diaper, it's icky icky eww.
No tugging on my earrings or my necklace too.
No throwing your food down on the floor
That's all you get then there is no more.

No no, No baby, no no
No baby no no
no baby no no
no baby no no
Baby be good

No eating that paper, it's our doctor bill.
No pulling on the table cloth or it all spills.
Don't even go near the toilet please.
Let's put some dusters underneath your knees.
You gotta keep your hat on for it's much too cold
Stop licking on the grocery cart, this game is old

No no, No baby, no no
No baby no no
no baby no no
no baby no no
Baby be good


I spent a lot of this morning reading verse after verse about putting our hope in the Lord, verses I want to spend time typing up later.  I still have much more reading to do.  But out of these came the March postcard for our Moppet workers (not my photograph so don't give me credit! I just added text)...

Monday Meanderings - Feb. 28

Good morning, friends!  I'm not exactly feeling like doing this today. Just have a lot going on in life right now.  A baby who's absolutely into everything and absolutely driving me nuts and still two big kids who insist on '"helping" me cook all the time with chairs on either side of me when all I really want is SPACE cuz I literally need space in order to do what I need to do.  A heart that's fallen too dependent on sinful humans rather than our all-loving and faithful God, thus leaving me to feel constant hurt and disappointment.  And I'm just in desperate need of some focused quiet time and lots of prayer.  But at the same time all of life must go on.  Chores must be done, books must be read, butts wiped, diapers changed, spills cleaned up, floors vacuumed, meals cooked, dishes washed, sippy cups filled, etc etc etc.  So here we go...

Bible Study... Word study on HOPE.  And continue reading Mission of Motherhood.  Didn't get it finished last week.

Memory Verse... Galatians 6:9
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Husband Encouragement...
* Get some things for his lunches.
* Keep the kids quiet while he sleeps during the day.
Train Them Up...
* Family devotions at bedtime.
* Start keeping Eli up from naptime sometimes to spend time with him.
* I've rearranged the seating arrangement at the dinner table.  Trying to combat Carter standing in the high chair all the time.  Now Carter's in the booster seat with the tight-fitting tray, and Eli's in the high chair pulled up to the table (I gave him the choice and he picked that instead of just sitting in a regular chair no booster)

Personal Goals...
* Exercise at least 4 days this week.
* Remember to put foot lotion on.  My heals are awful.
* It's a new month -- change my contacts.
* Stay off-line.

New Habit of the Month... 
6am wake up time.  This will allow me to have some quiet time in the morning and then greet Kevin when he comes home around 6:45am.

MUST Do... 
* Make and mail out Moppet postcards.
* Finish Moppet lesson plans and preparations.
* Mail back Amazon order.
* Packages sent out.

Zone... Going to pack away a couple more bins of kids clothes.

Menu - It's just the kids and me so this week is still TBD.

* MOPS planning meeting tomorrow.
* Hannah's 3-yr Dr checkup.  She's got a bony bump on her hand I want to have them take a look at while we're there too.  Praying it's nothing.
* Play date maybe Wednesday and Friday.

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. Special time with Hannah this morning.
2. A baby who naps so well.
3. Such sweet hugs and kisses from Eli when I drop him off at preschool.  I hope he never quits that as he gets older, but I know he will.

Join me with your weekly plans and link up below!  Have a great week!

1. Crystal  3. CRhodes  
2. Holly  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011



What's been going on in life at this house lately...

* I've been reading Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson with my good friend Randi.  We're on the last third of the book, and so far it's just been so good and challenging me in so many ways!  Challenging me to have more patience for the "loud and rowdy"childish play, to stop being so "busy" with my own things and spend more time building my relationship with THEM, saying Yes as often as I can.  Obviously not to candy for breakfast but Yes to reading books, Yes to helping with Legos, Yes to putting on shoes and zipping coats.  {Key} Even when I don't WANT to.  And I'm being challenged to make more effort in teaching them about the Bible and simply being a better example to the kids in all that I do.  Obviously some days are better than others, but we're trying...

* I have curtain fabric for the dining room.  Now we need motivation to paint the wall trim so we can sew and hang those curtains as well as other decor items I have in mind.

* A couple weeks ago we cleaned up a room in our basement and got a basic treadmill.  With a husband that's completely unavailable all day unless it's his day off, and the fact that we have three young children, getting OUT for working out has basically been impossible.  I'm not really a gym-with-childcare type of person for some reason.  And I really have a hard time finding motivation to bop around the living room to exercise videos.  So we decided to try a treadmill.  And against ALL of my nature, I have started running.  2 miles most days, plus about 3/4 mile of warm up/cool down, in approximately 35 minutes total.  We re-hooked up our old TV and DVD player so I can watch something while I run, and so far I've had a good start.  ALTHOUGH I haven't lost even ONE pound and it's been a whole week of working really hard! So I'm starting to watch my diet more and drink water as much as I can possibly bear.  Hopefully I'll start seeing at least SOME difference soon!  The full goal is to lose about 15-20 lbs hopefully by summer, just to get back to pre-babies weight!

* I thought Carter was already into EVERYTHING but my goodness, he's REALLY been into stuff lately!  Unloading the diaper cupboard at least daily so I can climb into, figuring out how to open (if it's left unclasped) the bathroom door so he can get in and play in the toilet.

* How do I get the kids to EVER want to play in their rooms??!  I'm about to get rid of ALL of their toys because they never use them!!

* Wondering whether or not to send Hannah two 2-day preschool next year or just find the will to do more stuff with her at home???

* I've still been feeling really lonely in church settings so I'm hoping to start inviting people to our home much more often in order to build deeper relationships....

* We sooo loved our week of "spring" last week!  Picnics and park days in February are absolutely unheard of in Nebraska!  Now we're back to arctic temperatures and cooped up inside but with the hope that spring will come early this year!

So that's where I've been lately.  What's going on in your life these days??

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday Meanderings - Feb. 21

Bible Study... Mission of Motherhood (the last Part)

Memory Verse... Ephesians 4:2-3
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."

Husband Encouragement... 
♥ a spirit of gentleness
♥ productive at home (we've done soo good the last couple days!)
♥ stick to budget
♥ be more conscientious about driving/gas

Train Them Up... 
* say Yes whenever possible
* daily devotions
* do better with Eli's AWANA verses instead of consistently waiting until Tuesday to start his memory work!
* the chore wheel has been introduced, this week will be our first full week carrying it out.  =)
* one-on-one time with each of them

Personal Goals... 
* Work out at least 5 times this week--start keeping an exercise log.  Drown myself with water!  (not literally, people!)

New Habit of the Month... 
No junk on the kitchen island!

MUST Do...
* Get things cleaned up, some movies picked out, and a snack prepared for MOPS movie night at our house Friday!
* Send out email reminder with directions to our house.
* Go through baby clothes, mail out package.
* Find a new place for old file cabinet.  Hmm....
* Call Dr to see if Hannah needs 3-yr shots
* Make postcards for Moppet workers.

Zone... recycles--boxes and milk jugs have TAKEN OVER!!

Menu - 

M - soft tacos
T - Oriental Salad
W -broccoli cheese soup
Th - spaghetti
F - sandwiches

* Play date Friday morning while Eli's at preschool.
* MOPS movie night on Friday

3 things I'm thankful for today...  
1. The beautiful weather we DID have last week! (It's back to freeezing again!)
2. Warm home.
3. A quick grocery trip by myself this morning after dropping Eli off at preschool.

Join me with YOUR weekly plans and link up below! (The old linky list was no longer free so I'm trying a new one this week.  Hope it works for you!)  Have a great week, sweet friends!!

Join me with your weekly plans!!

1. Holly  4. Jules  
2. Ann  5. CRhodes  
3. Kristen  6. Crystal  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Psalm

Psalm 146

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord, O my soul.
I will praise the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men, who cannot save.
When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.

Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them--
the Lord, who remains faithful forever.
He upholds the cause of the oppressed 
and gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets prisoners free,
the Lord gives sight to the blind,
the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
the Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the alien
and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.

The Lord reigns foreverm,
your God, O Zion, for all generations.

Praise the Lord.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photography: Hannah, 3 Years

I've been waiting to post these 'til Hannah was ACTUALLY 3.  We took them just a couple days after her party while the balloons were still looking nice.  Who knew more than a week later and they'd STILL be floating high?!

And if you're wondering about the backdrop... Indeed, it's wrapping paper again!  From Walmart, about the only print to choose unless I wanted princesses.  This time I used the dining room and lined it right up with the white trim.  Love how it looks!  BUT it's best to take it down right away or else...

the 1 yr old might get at it!  =)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Meanderings - Feb. 14

Bible Study... I'm going through Mission of Motherhood with my friend Randi right now, and I'm loving it!  Definitely feeling renewed from this!

Memory Verse... 1 John 3:18
"Let us not with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."

Husband Encouragement... 
♥ Positive attitude.
♥ Be his helper.
♥ Tidy home.
♥ Gentleness with the children.

Train Them Up... 
* Say YES more.  I've been doing this more the last few days, and it feels good.  Saying yes to Hannah if she wants me to read a book again, saying yes if Eli wants me to help him with Legos, quit what I'm doing immediately if they want to show me something.  Expect and embrace the "interruptions" they sometimes are.

Personal Goals... 
* For the first time in years, I'm finally getting back to exercise!  Just need to get into a regular routine!

New Habit of the Month...
Unload dishwasher in the morning before breakfast.

MUST Do...
* Pack bags for our overnight tonight.
* Get the car washed.
* Set up an appointment for the car.
* Post office.
* Submit something for MOPS newsletter.

Zone... Master bedroom. 

Menu - TBD

* This GORGEOUS weather we're going to have this week!!
* Headed home this afternoon until tomorrow to see Kevin's sister and her husband while they're back for a couple days.
* Park day Wednesday maybe?

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. My sweet Hannah as she turns 3 today!
2. This beautiful sunshine!  It's so refreshing!
3. Delicious breakfast as a family to start off the week.

Alrighty, so MckLinky doesn't work anymore!  Until I figure something else out, you can leave your link in the comments!  Have a great week!

Happy 3rd birthday, Hannah!

3 years ago today I was delivered the very best surprise Valentine EVER--the surprise home birth of my sweet Hannah!  She has the best story, and I love that it's hers.  And I love that she's mine.  {in earthly terms anyway}  Oh I adore having a daughter.  A daughter that loves everything pink, tea parties, dress up, heals, pretty hair clips, and pajama gowns.  She's so precious, I squeeze her every morning when she comes downstairs.  And she gives me the tiniest little kiss at bedtime and then asks me to lay my head on her.  I absolutely love her.

She's growing up so fast.  Learning colors, shapes, and counting, how to dress herself and use the potty, make her bed and load the dishwasher.  She's ready to go off to school, though I'm not sure Mommy's quite ready for that!  She loves her brothers and wants always to be with them.  She's got a soft, gentle heart and I love her to bits!!  Happy birthday, sweet pea!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

It takes me back to high school.

I'm one of the first to sit down at the lunch table.  I watch as everyone takes a seat next to their friends, wondering if anyone will choose me.  A lump forms in my throat as I fight back tears right there in the middle of everyone.  Does not anyone like me??  Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.  I tell the kids I'll be right back and excuse myself to the bathroom where I fan my face with my hands, trying to pull myself together and get collected.  I return quickly with a fake smile and finish the meal, anxious to just escape from the scene.  In the midst of the noise of chattering and laughter I feel utterly and completely alone.  Rejected.

This is our church potlucks.  Every time.  And so.  I can't go anymore.  I won't.  It simply hurts too much.

Sunday Psalm

Psalm 37:2-9
Trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the Lord
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him and he will do this;
He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret--it leads only to evil.
For evil men will be cut off,
but those who hope in the Lord will 
inherit the land.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Could you do it?

If your husband told you that you could just wad up his undershirts in the drawer because they are after all just undershirts, could you do it??

I can't.  Must take the time to roll them neatly and arrange them in the drawer.

Now if my husband asked me to wad up his undershirts in the drawer, then after asking again to make sure that's really what he wanted, I definitely would.

But what about you?  Could you just save yourself some time and wad the shirts as your husband suggested??

Just curious.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


...might save us this winter!  In getting ready for the big move, Jaesi passed on their water table to us.  I'd always thought about getting one, so this was great.  I thought for these winter months I'd put it in the basement and fill it for those really long days where you just need something new to do.  So here the kids are breaking it in!  We brought down some bath toys and some Lego men and they were good to go! 

You know, I think he's right.

“The snow has a way of making the world seem at peace,”  he said.  

My friend Emily at Belltower Photography wrote about this man named Gunter she ran into the other day.  And this is how he described the freshly fallen snow.  And you know, that's a great way to describe it.  

The world just seems so... quiet.  still.  peaceful. 

People cancel all their busy plans.  They snuggle close with the ones they love.  And they just BE.  And that, is what I love about snow. 

I love...

Shoes on the wrong feet.
Outfits that don't match.
Snow boots in the summer.  Swimsuits in the winter.
Words that aren't pronounced quite right.
Knock-knock jokes that don't make sense.
Messy chocolate-covered faces.
Open-mouth kisses from the baby.
A little girl sleeping with a baby doll tucked in her arm.
Blankies trailing behind a sleepy-headed child still waking up from nap.
Days filled with park trips, wagon rides, play dough, princesses, and play dates.
Delight in the little things, like chocolate milk, new toothbrushes, and pens.
Excitement over road construction, tow trucks, and snow plows.
Endless games of I Spy in the car or restaurant.
Jammie days when we have nowhere we need to go.
Story times all snuggled up on the couch.

As hard as these young years are, and as many things that I don't love, these are the things I want to remember and cherish!  What do you love?