I love browsing through fabric {not when I'm with my kids though PLEASE} and often I'll find one or two that immediately give me a vision like ooo, this would look perfect for this style of dress! Several times now I've found a fabric and design/pattern and then handed it over to my mom to make since she loves to sew. So fabric inspires me.
And a few weeks ago I found a little notebook at Dollar General. {Love that store.} I was actually looking for a new, boyish looking small notebook for Eli since he's filled his, and instead I found one for myself {since the boy ones had SKULLS on them!!!}. It's small and clutches nicely in my hand, and it's got a cute butterfly on it. When I got it I was thinking Hannah might use it sometime. But after I brought it home I realized I wanted to keep it for myself. {that's okay to do, right??} And since it's so small I thought it would be just perfect for a little thankful notebook. So every night at the end of the day I've been writing 5 things I'm thankful for about the day. I'm going to try to do this every night for who knows how long. Til I fill the notebook I suppose. Notebooks inspire me. They make me want to write and make thankful lists and blessings lists and goals and prayers.
So what inspires you? What do you look at and immediately think, Ooo, this would be great for THIS! Are you a paper person? Baskets? Decorative things? Fabric? Flowers? Notebooks?
And a few weeks ago I found a little notebook at Dollar General. {Love that store.} I was actually looking for a new, boyish looking small notebook for Eli since he's filled his, and instead I found one for myself {since the boy ones had SKULLS on them!!!}. It's small and clutches nicely in my hand, and it's got a cute butterfly on it. When I got it I was thinking Hannah might use it sometime. But after I brought it home I realized I wanted to keep it for myself. {that's okay to do, right??} And since it's so small I thought it would be just perfect for a little thankful notebook. So every night at the end of the day I've been writing 5 things I'm thankful for about the day. I'm going to try to do this every night for who knows how long. Til I fill the notebook I suppose. Notebooks inspire me. They make me want to write and make thankful lists and blessings lists and goals and prayers.

So what inspires you? What do you look at and immediately think, Ooo, this would be great for THIS! Are you a paper person? Baskets? Decorative things? Fabric? Flowers? Notebooks?
I totally get the notebook thing - What is it about girls and all things pretty stationary?!
After our son Noah died, it was very therapeutic for me to look through the pictures of our 2 1/2 days with him. Over the next few weeks, the Lord would bring to my mind different scriptures for different pictures, and I felt compelled to put together a scrapbook, pairing the pictures with the verses.
I love taking pictures and I love His Word, so scrapbooking, blogging, and now participating in Word-Filled Wednesday is right up my alley!
We ARE kindred spirits!! Notebooks ares soooo one of my most favorite things! I love the excitement of a new clean fresh notebook! lol I have dozens of notebooks just filled up with lists, thoughts, quotes, ideas, and even baby names! :)
Great idea with that cute little butterfly notebook! Also, I know what you mean about finding something for boys that is NOT skulls, etc.
Papers and note cards are my thing!
Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot to mention how much I LOVE buying cute blank-inside cards! I still love sending snail mail and cute cards motivate me big time!
Julie - oh yes we are!! =) And this little thankful notebook has been so good for my soul! No matter what no-good-very-bad-day I've had, still at the end of the day I can think of 5 things I'm thankful for. And about the day, not just the easy-to-rattle-off things like jesusfamilyfoodhouseclotheschurch, etc And every once in awhile I'll be sitting with Kevin when I write my list and I'll ask him what his 5 are, and that's been a good way to encourage talking instead of just vegging as usual. =)
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