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Bible Study
Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
Memory Verse James 3:9-10
"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth comes praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be."
Husband Encouragement
* make sure he has lunches for work and even set things together for him in the fridge
* help as much as I can this week with house projects
* have better attitude about bedtime. I've had a bad attitude lately about having to get up all the time in the night when everyone else is sleeping. My saying lately has been, "I am a person too!!" It's been a little ugly.
Train Them Up
* Eli - responsibility chart (I printed it out again but this time laminated it and stuck magnets on the back so 1. Hannah can't rip it apart and 2. we can reuse it and just mark everything off with a dry erase marker and 3. it saves paper and ink)
* Hannah - first time obedience
* Carter - still sleep training, ugh
Personal Goals
* go for some early-morning walks at the pond. With Eli's new bike he can ride a LOT faster now so with him not loading up the stroller, hopefully I can go for a fast walk like I like.
* drink water
* watch snacking - been having bad habits lately and we don't even keep snacks in the house!
* wash the dishes instead of leaving them for the next day.
* stay off the computer during the day
* wipe down the bathroom daily
* get bills out
* call Tessie Thursday night
* paint the inside side of door
* get suitcases put away
M - soft tacos
T - kids nite - lunchables, apple
W - breakfast nite - stuffed French toast, strawberries
Th - meat loaf, mashed potatoes, peaches
F - appetizer nite - cheesy spinach and artichoke dip, mini corn dogs
S - grilled pita pizzas
Su - day off
MOPS picnic - star shaped lunch meat and cheese, fruit of some sort
Church picnic - ricotta pepperoni dip, fruit salad
FUN Things!!
* MOPS playdate and potluck on Tuesday
* SIL's birthday on Thursday
* My friend Tessie might have her baby on Friday, depending on her appointment on Thursday
* Potluck picnic after church on Sunday
3 Things I'm Thankful For Today:
1. Sprinkler fun with the kids!
2. Family movie night. Trying to start this. Just have to find good movies the kids won't be scared of. Wish we had more Veggie Tales stuff around here.
3. A talented husband who can fix just about anything!
Join me and link up! Blessings on your week!!
Love the meme!!
We have some Veggie Tales if you'd want to borrow some??
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