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Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I love this holiday, and I don't want it to die out! And even if no one else does it any more, I want to share this day with my children and let them be involved in the fun of blessing others on an otherwise ordinary day! Nothing like surprising your friends and neighbors with a simple treat and a note!  
These seriously are simple. Just party-size plastic cups. Hole punch on the sides to hook the pipe cleaner through and twist the ends. We filled them with popcorn and sprinkled on a few jelly beans (did you know you can get Starburst flavor bag of only the pinks and reds? yumm!) and just a few M&Ms. Tape on a short note and cover with that snazzy Press n Seal wrap (LOOOVE that stuff! No more Saran wrap for me ever!)

Here are the poems that I wrote to include for each of our people groups. It's all basically the same but tweaked a little differently each time:
For: the kids' friends. This was signed by all the kids.
For: MY friends. Signed by just me.

For: Eli's school teachers. From just him.
For: Hannah's preschool teachers. From just Hannah.
This was GOING to be for general people like Eli's bus drivers, but I ended up not being able to include them because I didn't want to send Eli off with TOO many things to juggle on his own!

 I would've loved to give some to everyone in each of the kids' classes, but it's just too many, and there's no way to make it surprise on their doorstep anyway. So the teachers alone are fine enough.

Anyway, here are some simple ideas for you so hopefully you can participate too next time!!  =) What are your May Day traditions or memories??


Mindy said...

I made a May Day basket art thing for my mom in Kindergarten, the next year she had a basket delivered to my school (which was probably the COOLEST thing EVER as a 1st grader!), and she also sent me a bouquet in college. We kinda take turns surprising each other every year as we often forget about the holiday.

Servant Becca said...

How sweet! At negotiations today, someone commented on the May Basket treats someone had brought. You are carrying on that fun of May Day. =)

Randi S said...

we always did May Day baskets growing up. Had I been home and settled (bc I was home but sick/tired), we probably would have done something. I like May Day a lot.

Jen said...

Hi Sarah, we always did May Day baskets growing up. We would leave the basket on the front step, knock and run away. I knew it was a tradition I wanted to carry on with my children. This year I did not have time to make up a basket, but didn't want the morning to slip by without doing anything, so, in the pouring rain, we went out and picked some lilacs, made a bouquet with ribbon and off we went to surprise my Mom! So fun! Take care, Jen Emert