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Monday, October 15, 2007

Husband Encouragement

Kevin and I had a good weekend with some real time together. And yesterday he brought back some flowers from the store when he went out to pick up spaghetti noodles for dinner! Flowers are a rare treat, so I was VERY happy and pleasantly surprised!!

Time to focus on some husband encouragement goals for this week...

1. No negative comments. (I've gotten away from this)
2. Go to bed at same time.
3. Blackberry Cheese Pie. Enough said.
4. Show interest in his hobbies when he's working on something.
5. Read another chapter in book together.
6. Praise him for things he's done to help out.
7. Set a night to sit outside together, sipping on hot chocolate.
8.Encourage a Saturday morning for him to go off and do something fun, since I just had a mama's morning out a couple times now.
9. Make sure his uniforms are cleaned and ironed for work.
10. Pray for patience, self-control, and positive attitude throughout the week.

Want to join in? You planning something special for your husband this week? What can you do to encourage him as he goes about his day? Share your goals with us!

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