Getting back to thankful Thursday this week, I am thankful for our new baby daughter, Hannah Elizabeth. Our sweet little Valentine baby. (click to read the full birth story)
* I am thankful for a safe labor and delivery. I am so thankful that even though it was a surprise delivery at home with paramedics, everything turned out just fine. God placed us in the care of just the right people that day.
* I am thankful for a healthy baby. Full term pregnancy but not past the due date (yay!), 7 lbs 6 oz baby. No complications, praise the Lord!
* I am thankful that she is able to nurse beautifully (unlike my son Eli who never could "get it"). It makes our life soooo much easier, and I cherish the bond we already share.
* I am thankful that Hannah is fairly "easy" baby. She only wakes once in the night and goes back to sleep right away, so I'm already getting pretty good sleep. She doesn't cry too much and is just overall very content.
* I am thankful for a speedy recovery. I'm feeling great and in these first two weeks we've already been out a few times.
* I am thankful for my wonderful husband who has been a HUGE help during the two weeks he has off of work. He's been so great playing with Eli, taking care of Hannah when she's fussy, and helping out around the house.
* I am thankful for the safe travels of my parents who came for a few days. And I am thankful for all the help they provided while they were here. I am especially thankful we are all still healthy, even though both Mom and Dad got a short flu bug while they were here.
* I am thankful for the snow last week. Even though it's already gone now, it gave us a fun activity for Eli and we sure had fun.

* I am thankful that Eli's been so good around the baby and such a trooper with all the changes. I know there is a lot more to come when Daddy goes back to work and I'm on my own, but something tells me Eli will be OKAY.
Hannah is such a sweet addition to the family. We are so blessed!
For more Thankful Thursday visit Iris at Sting My Heart. Thanks for coming by, and have a great week!

* I am thankful for a healthy baby. Full term pregnancy but not past the due date (yay!), 7 lbs 6 oz baby. No complications, praise the Lord!
* I am thankful that she is able to nurse beautifully (unlike my son Eli who never could "get it"). It makes our life soooo much easier, and I cherish the bond we already share.
* I am thankful that Hannah is fairly "easy" baby. She only wakes once in the night and goes back to sleep right away, so I'm already getting pretty good sleep. She doesn't cry too much and is just overall very content.

For more Thankful Thursday visit Iris at Sting My Heart. Thanks for coming by, and have a great week!