After I read Amy's post last week about chores for children and teaching responsibility, I've been trying to get back to having Eli help with housework right alongside me. From blog hopping I got to this great link that lists age-appropriate chores. Some things we had been doing with Eli, but now we've added a few more. So here's the master list of things Eli does around the house:
1. Dishwasher.
how Eli helps: He unloads dishes and hands them to me to put away. (of course, I take sharp knives and other dangers out first) The silverware, however, he puts away himself. I put him up on a chair and he sorts them into the silverware tray in the drawer. It's just like shape sorting which he's awesome at so he does well with this too!

2. Wipe dinner table.
how Eli helps: I spray, he wipes. He loves the tiny bubbles in the Windex. (in the picture he's helping with my spring cleaning)

how Eli helps: He takes the clothes out of the dryer and puts them into the laundry bag.
4. Vacuum.
how Eli helps: He helps pick up everything off the carpet first.
5. Dust.
how Eli helps: I give him the duster and he wipes over the areas I tell him to.

how Eli helps: He doesn't really. But when I'm done I let him push it around.

how Eli helps: Again, he doesn't really. But when I'm done he pretend sweeps with the broom and dust pan.

how Eli helps: I'm daring, I know. But he carries plates, silverware, napkins, and hot pads to the table.
9. Trash.
how Eli helps: He throws away dirty diapers and small papers.
10. Pick-up.
how Eli helps: In general, he always puts away books and toys when he's done. He (sometimes) takes his sippy cup to the kitchen when it's empty. And he puts his clothes in the hamper after he changes.
Yesterday I put together a chore chart for 5 everyday chores Eli can help do: dishwasher, laundry, vacuum, wipe table, sweep. Since he can't read yet (obviously), I use pictures instead. And since he's into stickers now, he puts a sticker on the chart any time he does one of the tasks. It definitely helps me keep on top of things!