Ah, finally, Internet access! If we sit right by the window, facing outside, and don't move around, we can get sporatic signal from the neighbors. I typed this post yesterday in Microsoft word, so that as soon as we had Internet I could just copy and paste. So here are the details of our journey thus far...
I have to say, starting out at night was definitely the way to go. You may have to ask Kevin though, because HE was the one driving it all! Haha
We had planned to leave at 6pm on Saturday, so we’d get a little driving time in before the kids fell asleep for the night. We got the van loaded while the kids were napping and soon after that we were antsy to just get going. We stopped at the neighbors’ doors to say goodbye, and we were off on our way already at 5:00. (1 hour early) Because we left early, we hadn’t eaten yet, so once we got past New Haven we stopped for a quick dinner in the van and then carried on. Hannah was tired fussy at 7:15ish so instead of enduring the crying, we went ahead and stopped around 7:30 at a grocery store parking lot to get the kids fed and ready for bed. At 8:00 we were back on the road, and by 9:00pm the van was quiet. I took the shift driving and drove until 10:30ish. Kevin was supposed to be napping but he said he couldn’t sleep so we went ahead switched drivers and I rested for the whole night while Kevin plugged along drinking continuous caffeine drinks to keep him awake. Though we were successful in keeping the back seat free from luggage so we could sleep there, I definitely could not sleep. And so Kevin had to just keep driving, so long as he was feeling up to it. He has the advangtage of caffeine, but I however just have to rely on sleep since I am nursing. The kids slept pretty well. Once I figured out to put a blanket over the top of Hannah’s car seat shade to help block the light of traffic, she slept soundly. Eli, however, woke up at midnight and was just sitting quietly watching the cars go by for the longest time, and he was awake for about 4 HOURS of the night!! Hannah woke up around 3:30am, so we stopped to feed her, and the after that both kids and I were asleep soundly for a good couple hours. We stopped around 7:00am (time change to 6am really) for breakfast at a truck stop and realized we were only about 2.5 hrs away from our stop in Illinois to visit friends! I didn’t think we’d arrive until the afternoon, so we took our time eating breakfast, watching the sunrise, getting dressed out of jammies, and feeding Hannah. Then I called and warned our friends we were getting there much earlier than expected and started out to finish the drive. Eli was tired and cranky, so we put on a movie for him. (Kevin got a setup in the van so we could use a cord to connect from the laptop to my old flat screen monitor that was mounted on the back of a headrest for Eli to watch). We got to our friends’ house at 9:15, got changed, and about half hour later we were on our way to go to their church with them. However, we left Kevin behind at their house so he could SLEEP! Like in a real bed and everything! Much needed! My hands were full juggling the two tired kids at church, but it was a blessing to get to see my friends Ben and Angie's new church home. Instead of rushing our visit with them, we decided to just stay for the whole day and take the time to rest and sleep in a bed before heading out again the next morning.
After the kids were up, changed, and fed, we headed out for last 6 hours of our trip, leaving around 8:30am. While we were already stopped and could easily get the computer set up, we started a movie for Eli. He fell asleep before it was over and slept for about 45 minutes at 10:30 in the morning, and that was it for naps for the rest of the day. Driving those 6 hours during the day was harder probably than the 16 hrs we drove in the night. It felt like we stopped a hundred times. Eli was restless and loud and we just wanted him to nap more, but he never did. Oh well, we made it and got "home" around 5:00pm where my parents and grandparents were waiting for our arrival!
It's been a busy week going back and forth between my parents and Kevin's. And wedding happenings will be starting tomorrow. Then Kevin has an interview in Nebraska on Tuesday! So we'll be driving over on Monday so he could tour the plant, check out the town, and we can visit with our friends who just moved there. Then Tuesday he'll have his interview in the afternoon! So be praying that all goes well! This is the place that is most likely where we'll end up!
Oh, and by the way, THE DRESS FITS!! It was still a little big when I tried it on, but alterations were going to be simple. My mom took it home last night and already got it mostly done! Just need to do the bottom hem. It's beautiful and fits me so well! I can wear a bra with straps, feel covered, and still match well with the other bridemaids! There will definitely be pictures after the weekend!
Alrighty, well, I need to run some errands and head off for the day! More to come this weekend!
I have to say, starting out at night was definitely the way to go. You may have to ask Kevin though, because HE was the one driving it all! Haha
We had planned to leave at 6pm on Saturday, so we’d get a little driving time in before the kids fell asleep for the night. We got the van loaded while the kids were napping and soon after that we were antsy to just get going. We stopped at the neighbors’ doors to say goodbye, and we were off on our way already at 5:00. (1 hour early) Because we left early, we hadn’t eaten yet, so once we got past New Haven we stopped for a quick dinner in the van and then carried on. Hannah was tired fussy at 7:15ish so instead of enduring the crying, we went ahead and stopped around 7:30 at a grocery store parking lot to get the kids fed and ready for bed. At 8:00 we were back on the road, and by 9:00pm the van was quiet. I took the shift driving and drove until 10:30ish. Kevin was supposed to be napping but he said he couldn’t sleep so we went ahead switched drivers and I rested for the whole night while Kevin plugged along drinking continuous caffeine drinks to keep him awake. Though we were successful in keeping the back seat free from luggage so we could sleep there, I definitely could not sleep. And so Kevin had to just keep driving, so long as he was feeling up to it. He has the advangtage of caffeine, but I however just have to rely on sleep since I am nursing. The kids slept pretty well. Once I figured out to put a blanket over the top of Hannah’s car seat shade to help block the light of traffic, she slept soundly. Eli, however, woke up at midnight and was just sitting quietly watching the cars go by for the longest time, and he was awake for about 4 HOURS of the night!! Hannah woke up around 3:30am, so we stopped to feed her, and the after that both kids and I were asleep soundly for a good couple hours. We stopped around 7:00am (time change to 6am really) for breakfast at a truck stop and realized we were only about 2.5 hrs away from our stop in Illinois to visit friends! I didn’t think we’d arrive until the afternoon, so we took our time eating breakfast, watching the sunrise, getting dressed out of jammies, and feeding Hannah. Then I called and warned our friends we were getting there much earlier than expected and started out to finish the drive. Eli was tired and cranky, so we put on a movie for him. (Kevin got a setup in the van so we could use a cord to connect from the laptop to my old flat screen monitor that was mounted on the back of a headrest for Eli to watch). We got to our friends’ house at 9:15, got changed, and about half hour later we were on our way to go to their church with them. However, we left Kevin behind at their house so he could SLEEP! Like in a real bed and everything! Much needed! My hands were full juggling the two tired kids at church, but it was a blessing to get to see my friends Ben and Angie's new church home. Instead of rushing our visit with them, we decided to just stay for the whole day and take the time to rest and sleep in a bed before heading out again the next morning.

Oh, and by the way, THE DRESS FITS!! It was still a little big when I tried it on, but alterations were going to be simple. My mom took it home last night and already got it mostly done! Just need to do the bottom hem. It's beautiful and fits me so well! I can wear a bra with straps, feel covered, and still match well with the other bridemaids! There will definitely be pictures after the weekend!
Alrighty, well, I need to run some errands and head off for the day! More to come this weekend!