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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Homework time!

For YOU that is! I just finished reading Chapter 12 of Created to Be His Help Meet and at the end of the chapter is a homework assignment I thought I'd encourage you to do as well. Think about it over the next few days and try to follow through with it next week. And if you want to, feel free to share your lists or the positive changes you see in your home. and marriage Alrighty, the assignment:

Monday: Write three new things that you will add to your life that will cause you to become more precious to your husband.

Tuesday: List three things that you can do that will be a help to him.

Wednesday: Write down three things you can do that will be an encouragement to him.

Thursday: Jot down three things about your appearance that you can change, which he is sure to like.

Friday: List three things that you can do to your house that will please him.

Saturday: Write three things you can do that will make him feel like he is THE MAN.

Sunday: Plan three things you can respond to him in front of others that will show a heart of respect and honor toward him.

READY, SET, GO! Be blessed!

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