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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What I am learning...

I'm only half-way through the book Created to be His Help Meet, and already these are the amazing, life-changing things I've been learning:

* I am learning how to be accepting and to love the husband God has given me.

* I am learning that it maybe doesn't take two to save a marriage. One person can decide to change her attitude and it just will have affect a positive affect on the other.

* I am learning how to choose joy and practice thankfulness.

* I am learning that God made Kevin into the man he is for a purpose.

* I am learning how to not take my husband's qualities for granted.

* I am learning how to serve wholeheartedly and without expectation.

* I am learning that to have a good marriage you have to be lovable.

* I am learning that it doesn't have to take a good man to have a heavenly marriage, just a woman willing to honor God.

* I am learning how to love, really love, in the unconditional kind of way.

* I am learning how to set my feelings aside and obey God.

* I am learning that when you do all the above things, any marriage can be restored.

Now it's not like my marriage was horrible by any means, but it did need some work. And in the book, I've been reading many other people's experiences and seeing just how powerful an attitude-change can be! I'll be sharing more as I get to the end of this book, but for now, think about your own marriage. How are you doing??

1 comment:

Kathy said...

that is one of my all time favorite books. I know some of her ideas and thoughts are a little bit out there {the trash can incident comes to mind!} ... but overall I gained a lot of the same things you did from the book. It's amazing how the whole flow of our house changes when I shift my thinking and attitudes! so glad you are enjoying it too!

Many blessings! ~Kathy