Okay, I took my holiday today and now it's time to start thinking about the rest of the week! On with the plans...
Bible Study - Mission of Motherhood
Memory Verse - Isaiah 26:3-4
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal."
Husband Encouragement
* keep up with reading in Love Dare devotional - I've been forgetting about it lately!
* pray for him daily
* ask him to show me how to do some of the house projects that need done so I can help do it myself
* stop complaining about how much I dislike his work schedule. It is what it is, so I NEED to give him my support.
Train Them Up
* Eli - be loving to him and don't discipline in anger, get a new pen so he can actually mark on his responsibility chart, do something with his naptime routine (if he does nap then he ends up being awake til 10 or 11 at night! so I need to either wake him up earlier or just switch to quiet time altogether)
* Hannah - first time obedience
* Carter - may start rice cereal this week at the dinner time hour
Personal Goals
* Get up before the kids
* Read daily marriage devo.
* Start sewing my skirt.
* Be productive with my time this week. Last week was great and it felt AWESOME!
New Habit of the Month (yes, this is ANOTHER one I'm adding to the list! But at the beginning of the month I want to pick a new habit to work on throughout the month)
* Clorox wipe down bathroom counter every night. (I started this last week and it's working great to the keep counter decluttered and clean! I want to continue with this!)
* schedule eye appointment for next week
* schedule hair cut for next week
* pharmacy
* pack away MOPS stuff for the summer
* mow (arg, why does this need done every single week?! LOL)
* mail cupboards plan for a quote
* paint dining room before the weekend
* bag up all our empty milk jugs
* bag up all our empty milk jugs
Zone - get completely caught up on laundry and get it put away!
M - pizza
T - meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peaches
W - kids nite - macaroni and cheese w hot dogs, cupcakes
Th - grilled pita pizzas (hopefully this week I can find some pita somewhere!)
S - spinach ricotta quiche, fresh fruit
Su - leftovers
FUN Things!
* progress on our dining room! after the final sanding on our drywall we get to start the decorative process with paint, trim, molding, and flooring!
* Kevin's 6-day off starts on Friday!
3 things I'm thankful for today:
1. My best high school friend and her husband came and visited us for the first time here this past weekend!
2. The weather has been GORGEOUS! Sunny and not too hot! I'm LOVING it!
3. My kids. They have been sooo well behaved lately! I've been so proud of them!
What's your week look like?? Join me with your plans, and leave your link below so I can come visit you! Blessings on your week!