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Saturday, May 28, 2011

While I was gone...

...I was so busy living life and enjoying our time at the beach and being with family that I didn't even miss being online all the time and blogging and reading blogs.  And it made me think....

How can I live my life so fully in our time at HOME that I don't even miss being online??



Amber said...

I've tried many different things to not be online all the time at home. Turning off computer unless it was needed for couponing, directions, or job searching, or just picking a day of the week it was turned off completely. The temptation was there. Maybe it's because the computer is in the living room. If it were in the bedroom, maybe it wouldn't be used as much. Either way, if you figure it out, let us know! We will be anxiously waiting by our computers to find the answer! lol

Paul said...

You could do a "fast" from being online for a specified period of time (maybe a week or a month). It will help you see all the times that you are online and all the times that you are thinking about online stuff even when you're not. I did an internet fast several years ago, and I remember being surprised how much I was thinking about what I wanted to look up on the internet or how I was going to waste my time when I got home from work.

In Light of the Truth... said...

I've been wanting to do a week-long technology "fast" as a family but still haven't been able to make it! Not even 24 hrs! I always think of a recipe I need to look up or a lesson I need to plan or a person I need to email about something important. I met an Amish girl last night who mentioned she doesn't even know how to get online and it made me wonder what that would be like to not have a life cluttered with so many distractions like that...

In Light of the Truth... said...

Even this morning I had turned the computer off and then turned it back on to print a recipe I was going to make for a friend's house tonight.

bp said...

Thanks for sharing this. This is something I think would be beneficial. It's hard!

Mary said...

I think using it as a tool is fine, like looking up a recipe, etc. That's the convenience of it. But what I struggle with and I'm sure this is the problem for many, is the lingering... like I'm doing now commenting on this! haha... Just a quick check for a tel# or recipe, turns into a quick check on FB, then blogs, etc. I like what one of my friends does... she doesn't use her PC for email,etc unless the kids are all sleeping. I've been trying to do that myself. I don't want their memories of me being in front of a PC.

The Cutes and Scoots Show said...

Technology is life these days. It would be hard to go without it completely as like you said there are things in life that you just might simply need the computer to connect or the tv for the news or cell phone for emergencies.

My question would be are you sucked into the computer and the offerings that it has "to know" everything about everyone at all times like FB or blogging. Or are you doing it because you are perhaps bored? I find myself sometimes gravitating to it when I haven't really thought out the days plan or ensured that we would have enough activities "to do" or places to go and explore. Perhaps you need for the summer to get out and about enduring the struggles that come with schlepping 3 kids around and DO rather than be home where the temptations exist. Then, by the time you have done all that there is around you 100 times over the days events and the idea that the computer is there and the need to know is there will be gone because you lived without it for however many weeks. Could be a tough challenge but maybe every day in the morning get up, doing the am routine and get out of the house from 9-11:30 or so. Come back for lunch and naps and then a good portion of the day has been already used up with being with the kids and living and showing them the world instead of sitting on the computer.

I've found i love being on vacation because those things aren't there and when we are home we just settled back into the 'old ways' of doing things. you wouldn't be sitting ont he computer while the kids were at the beach so "make a beach" at home with the sand box and kiddie pool. Pack the bags and shut the door as if you would when you were leaving the hotel on vacation.

I guess I just try to think outside the box and then give myself the opportunity to induldge during "my time" or nap time for 1 hr. Do like the kids during a time out and set the timer. Be accountable and just try it.

I have a more unique situation b/c I work from home so sometimes I DO in fact have to be on the computer. So I make the best of it and they color or do a "work" book while mommy does "work" and then we all reward each other when we are done by playing on the swing set or a bike ride. They quickly learned the quieter they are the quicker the reward comes.

Have fun and the desire to be on the computer I think will go away. I'm still trying too! :)

~Amanda said...

Sometimes I use the computer as a reward - like after I get the dishes done, or to motivate me to get the laundry put away. If I've done lessons, house chores, reading, etc, then I can use the computer. I do the same for the kids - after I check it quickly, they can play a game too, and then this gives me time for a quick shower or to make lunch or a phone call.

And then there are always times like this...when I use it intentionally as a distraction. I'm SUPPOSED to be on it right now...to write a paper for class...but I'm avoiding it and enjoying catching up on your blogs instead. :-)