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Monday, July 23, 2012

Sticky faces and a maroon pickup

Thought I'd update on my own list of One Thousand Gifts...

41. Crazy laughter emerging out of tickling bellies.
42. Messy faces sticky with ice cream.
43. The maroon pickup driving up the lane at the end of a day's work.
44. The rainbow of golden colors at the touch of autumn.
45. A field of diamonds glistening in the snow.
46. Blasts of warm air from the space heater.
47. Summer afternoons on a porch swing.
48. Ice cold sweet tea brought to thirsty lips.
49. Cake for breakfast.
50. A gripping novel.
51. A steaming hot shower.
52. The yellow flashing lights bringing my boy home from school.
53. Silly movie nights with the girls.
54. Spontaneous visits to the park.
55. Piles and piles of laundry for it means we live in abundance.
56. Watching old classics with the kids.
57. Little children sitting in a row.
58. Projects complete.
59. Stroking my cheek against a newborn's soft, warm head.
60. Pretend tea parties with stuffed animals.
61. Morning coffee time on the porch.
62. Children gather 'round for a read-aloud....
63. ...on a blanket in the shade.
64. The carefree days of summer.
65. Morning visits to the bakery.
66. Sprouts of green breaking through the rich soil.
67.  A fresh dose of perspective.
68. Yummy smelling hand soap.
69. Sticky fingers gooey with melted marshmallows.
70. Secretly watching little ones playing so sweetly.
71. Kids that are actually help.
72. Husband that offered to cook dinner.
73. Oldest child reading to younger siblings.
74. Family Bible time.
75. Air conditioning. The end.
76. Cheaper, healthier solutions.
77. Spontaneous, repurpose projects.

To be continued...

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