Bible Study - alternating Mission of Motherhood and Created to Be His Help Meet
Memory Verse - Matthew 12:34
"For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."
Husband Encouragement
* have some fun time on these next four days off
* plan lunches
* cream cheese lime pie (I'm going to make something up, and I NEVER do that!)
* Father's Day something-or-other. We already have a big shindig in our town, but we should do something special here at home too, even though he's working that day.
Train Them Up
* quality time with Eli - I had a lot of fun playing Uno with him at naptime the other day and want to do more of that. Would be especially good for him because I'm the hardest on him, expect so much more of him because he's the oldest, ya know.
* be less distracted
* prepare their drinks before they ask
* work on figuring out a daily routine
* watch my tone of voice
Personal Goals (new rule: these goals shouldn't be about your homemaking or parenting. It should be something for YOU.)
* get back into my AdvoCare routine (breakfast shakes n stuff), I kind of indulge when Kevin's home and we eat breakfast together
* workout (should do more of the baby exercises I always used to do in my stroller class back in CT)
* up before kids, dressed, and quiet time
* to bed earlier
New Habit - wipe bathroom counter nightly
* garden care - it's a mess out there! we are so bad at gardening, seriously!
* mail package
* mow
* Carter's 5-month update and photos
* call bathroom contractor
* decide about dining room cupboards
* plan Father's Day
Zone - living room
Menu - I honestly don't know what's in store for this week--if we're having a guest this week or not or if we're going home next weekend or not. So I'll leave this blank for now!
M - grilled chicken, green beans, fruit
T - day to trip home to visit Kevin's family
W - picnic dinner with friends
Th - frozen pizza
F - home for children's festival
S - home for children's festival
Su - Father's Day picnic
FUN Things!
* Day trip home to see Kevin's family. Haven't really seen them much since Hannah's birthday in February!
* Eye appointment Wednesday - It'll feel so good to get this checked off the list of appointments I need to do for myself. Hair cut was last week, eye is this week, next needs to be DENTIST--it's been way waaay too long!!
* Go over to friends' on Wednesday evening.
* Might go home next weekend for a kids festival!
* Father's Day Sunday/our tiny town's (population 323) big BBQ
3 Things I'm Thankful For...
1. Babies that smell like sunscreen.
2. Snuggling those babies who smell like sunscreen.
3. The father who also likes to snuggle those babies who smell like sunscreen. =)
Join me, and leave your link below! Have an awesome week, dear friends!
1 comment:
Looks like a good week! Crazy busy like mine but good! Love you!
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