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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thankful Thursday

"Count your many blessings, name them one by one.
Count your many blessings, see what God hath done."
Johnson Oatman, Jr

Whew, it's been awhile since I've done this! But it's such a good practice really, so I'm back to it this week!

* I am thankful that we got to go to Minnesota last weekend to celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday with all of Kevin's family. It was such a great visit, short and sweet!

* I am thankful that Kevin and I finally got to watch the movie Fireproof (it was a looong wait on Netflix). That and several other things I've come across this week have been very encouraging to our marriage.

* I am thankful for possibilities.

* I am thankful that my husband is such a good bug catcher. We sort of have an infestation of a certain big bug, so I am very glad he can take care of them for me!

* I am thankful for Eli's sweetness and quick forgiveness.

* I am thankful for Hannah's smiles and overall happiness.

* I am thankful that my children are friends to each other.

* I am thankful for our home.

* I am thankful for sunny days between the rain.

* I am thankful for the rain to water the garden.

* I am thankful for 4:00 each afternoon, when Kevin gets home from work. Hannah and I wait out on the porch and go out to greet him when he drives up the lane.

* I am thankful that Kevin was with us when we got a flat tire last weekend. I could not have done it on my own!

* I am thankful for Kevin's job and all that it provides for our family. I am thankful that Kevin has the option of choosing overtime each week, so we can afford expensive "extras" (crazy expensive car registrations, air conditioning units, new van tires).

* I am thankful for our bunny friends we have in our yard. (as long as they don't get the garden! we need to finish getting our fence up!)

* I am thankful for fresh starts each morning.

What are you thankful for this week? Join us at Women Taking a Stand.


bp said...

Did you get a picture of the bunny friends? We have a bunny in your back yard from time to time. Caleb will always whisper to me to come watch it out the window as it nibbles the grass.

Glad you could see Fireproof.

have a blessed day!

Jules said...

What a great list, hon!! You encouraged me today to do my own list. I hadn't realized how long it had been. And, I love that song "Count your blessings" It's my absolute favorite hymn!! I have Charlie lead it almost every Sunday. :)

Thanks for posting today!!