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Friday, April 22, 2011

27 days

Alright, guys, it's time for me to kick into high gear.  My family is heading to the beach in 27 days so I'm going to use that as my motivation to start getting into better shape FOR REAL! Cuz who wants to go to the beach for the first time in years feeling the heaviest and chubbiest in years?!  Not like I'm going to spend my days laying out in the sun; it's a family gathering in which I am SO EXCITED for, but still.  You know what I mean, right?

So here are the details...

Goal: To lose belly flab and 10 lbs before beach time.  (total weight loss goal is actually 17-20 lbs but for this time frame, 10 lbs  in 27 days is pretty hefty in itself, for me anyway) Think I can do it??

Why? So I can fit into my current clothes better and not have to buy new clothes to hide trouble spots (my un-toned stomach!)

Things I'm willing to give up for 30 days:
* coffee (except for donut days, notice how I'm not giving up the DONUTS? LOL C'mon I just like the plain kind, no frosting, so I can dunk!)
* pop (We don't EVER have any in the house except for birthday parties, but we DO end up going out quite a bit here and there, in which I almost always get a pop with it, therefore I end up drinking more pop than I probably realize. And yes, I call it POP and not soda or anything else people call it)
* home pizza.  I eat pizza ALLL the time. I just love it and every brand/restaurant has its own flavor. I won't give it up COMPLETELY cuz when it comes to friends events, with the few options we have around here, pizza is a common choice!
* Fast Food (more specifically, the fries and hamburger kind)

Exercise... Every day even if it's a casual walk. When I don't have much time I can do... The Shred (it's only 20 min) Up my running distance (also means budget in more TIME to do that) and add in some dumbell strength training.

Food choices...
* Drink more water.
* Buy lots of fruits and veggies.
* Start the day with high-protein breakfast
* Write down what I eat and count calories when possible.

To help meet my goal I need to...
* Get to bed earlier so I have energy.
* Take AdvoCare Supplements. Whatever ones I have left still.
* Try on old pants every couple days so I remember what I'm doing this whole deal for!

So here we go! This is hard for me.  I've always LOVED going for walks (practically impossible these days, or casual sports, also impossible these days) but HATED working out!  But I'm trying to learn to like it.  And trying to learn how to establish a consistent routine with it.  Soo hard to do in these early parenting years, but there IS time, it's just been a matter of committing to it and being productive!  Cheer me on! I need all the support I can get! And if you want to join in with some accountability, LET ME KNOW!!


Mindy said...

You can do it Sarah! I hated working out too, but having a specific goal/time frame makes it easier to stick with. I really liked the Couch-to-5K program and people have even made podcasts that go along with it...all free! I signed up for a 5K and was not backing down, so I had to stick with the program...granted I got pregnant and the doctor ex-nayed that, but I AM going to go for it this Fall after the baby comes. Keep us updated!

Emily Anne Carson said...

So proud of you, beautiful lady! You go girl! You can DO THIS! I hope your plan is going well so far. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!