Baby Day that is. I had an appointment yesterday--went well, I'm 3 cm dilated already but I know it's common to sit that way for a couple weeks, I'm not effaced, so I'm not getting hyped about labor starting tomorrow or anything. But it is a reminder that the day is coming soon! Specific prayer requests regarding our upcoming delivery:
* Decent traveling weather. Having no snow removal for our country lane other than a shovel and friendly neighbors, we've been seriously snowed in several times in the last month, and I can't help but feel slightly concerned for what it could be like during baby time. Yes, we've delivered at home before but not by ourselves (thanks to paramedics!) and we certainly wouldn't choose to do that again! So pray that the roads are fine that day and we're able to get safely to the hospital 35 min away.
* Childcare. We have a few people in mind to watch the kids when it's "time", so we pray that when the time comes it all falls into place smoothly and quickly and our people are available.
* Labor itself. It's not a fun process, so I'm praying that it too will go smoothly and fairly quickly but not too quickly! Hoping that it will be a fairly fast labor, I'm going to try to do it without an epidural, just because it was so much "easier" to actually feel what was going on, as crappy as it hurts. I'm thankful for the epidural I had for Eli because his was such a LONG labor and I'd had NO sleep the night before, but if it's going to be a short deal then I'm going to try to tough it out. This time I'm going to drink a lot of nettle tea along with the regular raspberry leaf tea the week of labor and see if that helps diminish labor pains. Most importantly though we're praying for no complications and a safe delivery.
* The baby. A strong and healthy baby!
* Breastfeeding. Eli was terrible at nursing and it never did work for us, and Hannah was great, so I'm praying that this baby will latch on right away and breastfeeding will be a joy instead of a heart-wrenching battle.
* The kids. Praying that they will transition well to the new baby and Mommy's new demands.
* Me. Comfort during these final days, patience for the wait, strength to endure labor, and energy for all that is to come.
Again, I know that God has every detail worked out already. Good or bad, it is all for His glory. Thanks for praying, and if you know of any encouraging Bible verses for this time in life, I'd love to hear! You're such dear friends!
* Decent traveling weather. Having no snow removal for our country lane other than a shovel and friendly neighbors, we've been seriously snowed in several times in the last month, and I can't help but feel slightly concerned for what it could be like during baby time. Yes, we've delivered at home before but not by ourselves (thanks to paramedics!) and we certainly wouldn't choose to do that again! So pray that the roads are fine that day and we're able to get safely to the hospital 35 min away.
* Childcare. We have a few people in mind to watch the kids when it's "time", so we pray that when the time comes it all falls into place smoothly and quickly and our people are available.
* Labor itself. It's not a fun process, so I'm praying that it too will go smoothly and fairly quickly but not too quickly! Hoping that it will be a fairly fast labor, I'm going to try to do it without an epidural, just because it was so much "easier" to actually feel what was going on, as crappy as it hurts. I'm thankful for the epidural I had for Eli because his was such a LONG labor and I'd had NO sleep the night before, but if it's going to be a short deal then I'm going to try to tough it out. This time I'm going to drink a lot of nettle tea along with the regular raspberry leaf tea the week of labor and see if that helps diminish labor pains. Most importantly though we're praying for no complications and a safe delivery.
* The baby. A strong and healthy baby!
* Breastfeeding. Eli was terrible at nursing and it never did work for us, and Hannah was great, so I'm praying that this baby will latch on right away and breastfeeding will be a joy instead of a heart-wrenching battle.
* The kids. Praying that they will transition well to the new baby and Mommy's new demands.
* Me. Comfort during these final days, patience for the wait, strength to endure labor, and energy for all that is to come.
Again, I know that God has every detail worked out already. Good or bad, it is all for His glory. Thanks for praying, and if you know of any encouraging Bible verses for this time in life, I'd love to hear! You're such dear friends!
Praying for you girl!! You will do great!!
Isa 66:9 "Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God."
This is one that comes to mind when/if things get tough during delivery. It really puts me at ease knowing that God is in complete control and gives us the strength to have these blessings that He has given our family!
Another verse that is always in my mind is,
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Rom. 8:28
and just one more-because God is faithful!
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thess. 5:18
Remember that every child is a completely different person. There will be similarities, but I think that our first babies tend to have been the most difficult. Think: "I will be calm and easy going regarding this (blank)" this makes a world of difference in how we handle problems! It's taken me this long to finally go to God and know that He will fix things when I can't or show me how to fix them while giving me a deep peace!!
Stay warm, review your list, start on birth announcements, hug your babies, read your Bible and start getting excited...the pains are for a short time and then you'll be holding another sweet baby!! Hugs to you!!
I dont have any other verses or wisdom to add to what BellaMama has already said.
I will be praying for all the things you listed..
May Gods peace surround you and carry you through!
Prayers and Love
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