Prayer is the opposite of multitasking. I saw that quote as I was quickly flipping, flipping, flipping through old magazines, pulling out random things for the kids to cut apart and paste on whatever someday, and it still has me thinking about the next day.
I know you can pray while doing everything. The Bible does say, Pray continuously (1 Thess. 5:17). You can pray while driving, pray while you're cooking, pray while you're cleaning, doing laundry, showering, getting dressed, etc and I think that's great. So I don't exactly agree with the quote.
Spending time with God, REALLY spending time with God, getting into His Word requires stillness. Focus. Quiet.
And I don't know about you, but these days years I'm having a really hard time doing that. Most of the day is such a whirlwind that it's hard to STOP. It's not even that I don't have time, because I do. I could get up before the kids or use my time in the evening for Bible reading or send the kids to "room time" in the middle of the day while the baby naps. What I struggle with is getting my mind to stop. You know what I mean?? I don't read blog posts that are really long and in depth because I can't focus. I give up on sewing projects that require studying the pattern, because I can't focus. I can barely watch a movie without doing something else at the same time. It's not that I'm UP constantly busying myself--nope I'm good at being lazy and relaxing--but I'm not good at sitting down and really digging into something, kneeling at the feet of God and resting in His presence.
So my prayer today/this week is this...
Father, forgive me for my distance. In this midst of our crazy days, help me to take a slow, deep breath, close my eyes for just a moment and open them to the truths you have for me. Clear my mind and help me to rest in Your presence. Stir in me a desire to read Your Word that I might gain the strength to make the most of the next moment.
I have been really struggling with this lately too. I always find I do better when I have a guided devotional to work through each day but right now I just don't have one that I like and many days I just don't make the time to do it. Like you I know I DO have the time, I just can't make myself sit and do it. I need to refocus myself even if it's just a small amount of time each day. Would love to hear your tips or what you use during quiet time. =)
Quiet time?? I dunno. I seriously never know what to read so I don't. Honestly. But when I do, I usually read through topical verses. A word study about something. But somehow I want to get into reading the whole Bible and getting more familiar with all the old stories!
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