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Friday, August 14, 2009

Activity: A time for everything.

This week's Bible verse for the kids has been Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything."
We sing it to the "Brother John" tune:
"Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes,
Three verse one, three verse one
There is a time for everything
There is a time for everything
Three verse one, three verse one.

I chose this verse because we've been having trouble getting Eli to *stop talking enough at dinner in order to eat his meal in a somewhat timely fashion with the rest of us. I thought I could come up with a fun activity to help teach this verse, and this is what I came up with.

a chart of our common places: church, meal time, park,
talking on the phone
Match the appropriate action/behavior for each place.
sweet boy working hard
this was a trick question. I had a picture of a girl crying. Crying isn't a good behavior for any of those places, so it didn't go on the chart. I did explain though that it's okay to cry when we get hurt or someone dies, etc but it's not appropriate for most places. (or however I said it)first part is done!
next we added describing words. I read the words and Eli decided which picture it should go with.all done!and of course proudly displayed on the fridge
* I realized the other day that this is probably because dinner time is one of the only times during the day when Eli really has our undivided attention (sort of, Kevin and I are usually trying to talk with each other) instead of us being busy working on something at the same time. But STILL...


The Fischer Family said...

OK Sarah I love this! After our horrific trip to the doctor's office yesterday with all 3 kids this is something I'm gonna "steal" if you don't mind! Thanks again for the inspiration!

Lana said...

I LOVE that idea! And I LOVE your blog, by the way. I just happened upon it somehow (I don't even remember how), and it has been SUCH an encouragement to a tired mom! I haven't read through all your posts and such, so maybe this is a "duh", but are you / were you a teacher? I taught first grade for eight years, and it just seems like you have the "knack", you know? Such great ideas! Thanks for lifting me up lately! I look forward to reading more.

In Light of the Truth... said...

Thanks, you guys! And welcome to the blog, Lana! Nope, never a teacher. But I do just love planning things and coming up with fun activities for the kids!

Tina B. said...

Sarah, I really enjoy reading your blog. Very encouraging!! I look fwd to your post!