So glad you came to visit today! Here at my little corner of bloggy world I share a little bit about everything--family, parenting, goals, struggles, photography, recipes, n more! So curl up with a cup of hot tea {or not} and feel free to peruse around my site! Check out my sidebar for links. And come back again!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Design Dreaming: Playroom

Alright, ever since our bathroom remodel and walling up what used to be the old playroom closet I've been wanting to get the playroom painted.  There's still a patch where we added the new portion of the wall, and it really does actually NEED paint on it.  I've been brainstorming and browsing design ideas.  Wanting to keep the layout mostly the same since it works well for us, I'm mostly needing to add in color, in hopes of adding fun flare to the room and bring it to life!  

We currently have red, lime green, and navy blue storage bins on our white shelves.  So here are some of my inspiration pictures that would coordinate well...

I don't know if this is actually the SAME room and thus the same wall color but at a different angle aka different lighting, but I like the slightly lighter color green better.
We already have a wall of frames for kids art (might paint them white??), and I really do want to find a really large world map for our other full wall, so I want to keep the walls solid color.  Thinking of letting the kids add hand prints to their art wall.

Now for curtains.  We have one BIG window and one small window.  Here are some of the ideas I've been looking at...

If the curtains are mostly open, the print would be smashed and the stripes would look better than the polka dot. Or you could go with just a valance and mini blinds.
OR I could get one of the large striped curtain and SEW it into 2 valances.  Although eventually I'd like BOTH--striped curtains AND a solid color valance. Oh dear, now I'm thinking of all kinds of options...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Belt shopping

Alright ladies, I found this cute dress for $6 at the thrift store a couple weeks ago.

I'm trying to be more of a dress-wearer and I can't wait to wear it, BUT I'm looking for a red belt to go with it!  Like these:

Fashion is soo not my forte, so tell me what you think! Different color? No belt? Hate the dress altogether?? And while we're at it, what kind of shoe would you wear with this dress?  A regular high-heel, flats, or knee-tall boots?

Emily, this is your thing, so help me out here!!!

Other Inspiration: (will post links here as I continue to browse around)
Dress with cardigan and boots.

Monday Meanderings - Aug 29

How can it be Monday AGAIN already?? It was a busy week, a fun weekend, and it all just flew by!!  There's no time to have some lazy days and recoop, nope, it's the school year, time to just GO AGAIN! Still getting used to all of that!

Bible Study... No Other Gods, Finish at least three of this week's study lessons.

Memory Verse...  Colossians 3:15
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ He's off this week but has several things he wants to get done. So I will give him the freedom to do that instead of demanding for his time and attention.
Train Them Up...
* Have snack and a game already set up for Eli when he gets home from school.
* Some lessons on self-control maybe?

Personal Goals...
* Run 3x this week, outside if possible. I'm actually getting back into this!
* Order belt to go with my new dress.
* Possibly order one or two new bras now that my size has stabled out and currently only one bra fits!
New Habit of the Month...  {AUGUST} New school routine.

MUST Do...
* MOPS stuff -- print activity packets (so I can staple them this weekend at my parents house with their fancy stapler), print placemats, call bowling alley, mail letters
* Write letter to Grandma.
* Practice French horn, playing a special music this Sunday at my parent's church.
* Set up an account online so I can keep track of Eli's lunch money balance.
* Unpack car.
* Return book to Jess since I'm done reading it!

Zone(s)... outgrown clothes
Menu - TBD

M -
T -
W -
Th -
F - Iowa
S - Iowa
Su - Iowa
* Well, I can't find my pocket calendar at the moment so I hope I'm not forgetting something I might have going on, but I'm pretty sure the only thing this week is going home next weekend to take photos for a friend!

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1.  A really really great weekend visiting my college friends!  I try to get everyone together about this time every year, and this year we decided to go camping! It was soo much fun!
2. Gorgeous weather.  It's amaaaazing!  Which is nice because it's probably going to rain the next 3 days!
3. Safe travels. Not something to take for granted. The roads are a scary place!

Join me with YOUR weekly plans and link below!!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Meanderings - Aug 22

Bible Study... Look through new Bible study book.

Memory Verse...  Colossians 3:15
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Send him pics of our day via text. Sometimes I'm pretty exhausted by the time he gets home from work, and he only sees the snappy mommy.  So I've been trying to send him fun pics of the kids during the day. When we're playing at the park or painting or whatever. Shows that things are going well at home.
♥ Dessert.

Train Them Up...
* School routine has been going very well.  When Eli gets home from school he's REALLY been wanting to play board games or Uno.  If the little ones are sleeping, we can play. But often times they're just getting up when Eli gets home and games are one of those "when Carter's sleeping" activities. It might be nice if I sometimes plan something specific to do with Eli when he gets home. Lets him know I was looking forward to that time with him.
* Thinking about letting them have "do-overs" instead of always doing a spanking or time-out?? Would help us PRACTICE that good behavior we're going for.

Personal Goals...
* Run 1x this week, outside if possible.
* Print August workout calendar (even though yes, I know the month is almost over already)
* Start reading "my" new book, Heaven Is For Real.
* Order belt to go with my new dress.
* Possibly order one or two new bras now that my size has stabled out and currently only one bra fits!

New Habit of the Month...  {AUGUST} New school routine.

MUST Do...
* Mail remainder of Moppet letters out. (just one or two more I think)
* Write letter to Grandma.
* Send thank you note.
* Order photo books before coupon expires Wednesday.
* Call campground!!

Zone(s)... outgrown clothes

Menu - might shuffle the days around this week, but here are the meals

M - spinach pizza, grapes
T - lemon pepper chicken, salad
W - Chow Mein
Th - pork tenderloin, rice, veggies
F - Iowa
S - Iowa
Dessert of the week: red velvet cake roll (need to remember to make this earlier in the week since we'll be gone the weekend)

* Hannah's first day of preschool Tuesday!!  So excited for her!  Going to go walking with a friend during this time so I can stay in town.
* Uppercase Living party at a friend's house Tuesday evening.  Not sure I'll be able to order anything but I'm just excited to go fellowship!  
* Headed to Iowa this weekend for our annual gathering with my really good college friends! I decided last year that just a picnic was NOT enough time with everyone, so this year we're going to try camping, kids too!  SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. Eli's doing so well with the school routine. Sounds like he's making friends!
2. Time with family over the weekend! Once again, I just LOVE living close to family!
3. Photo book sale on Shutterfly! 

Join me with YOUR weekly plans and link up below! Have a great week!!

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

For the record.

I just wanna say I have really great friends.  Really really great friends. And I am SO THANKFUL.  When Carter was going through all of his bee sting madness, I had dozens of friends instantly supporting me and praying for me via the Facebook network.  And now in bad storms I have friends who will call and/or text me warning me that there's a weather alert of some kind.  {tornado something-or-other} We don't have neighbors, we don't have TV, Kevin's often working nights when these things hit, and apparently our weather radio isn't working properly.  It can be really scary, knowing I am in charge of our little ones and I'm on my own out here. But knowing I have friends specifically thinking of me and checking in on me, means the world!  Thank you so very much!!

New bloggage!

Over at our school blog {where I hardly EVER post!} We had fun taking an overview of Egypt!  Check it out!

The best of both worlds.

For more than a couple months now Carter has been in transition between two naps and just one nap.  He seriously will do either just fine and so it just completely depends on what we have going on for the day as to what nap schedule I'll do for him.  If he sleeps past 8am {RARELY!!} then I definitely skip the morning nap. But otherwise if we're home or want to do something later around lunch time or early afternoon, then I'll still do the morning nap at 9:00/9:30. And he naps again at 1:30. Like today, I knew I had to pick Eli up at school at 1pm but didn't know if Carter could last that long without a morning nap, so I put him down in the morning and he was fresh to go still when Eli got home.  And we could go out for a milkshake after Eli's first day of school before coming back home for nap.  But if we want to do something in the morning, like a playdate or MOPS or a walk in town/errands while Hannah is in preschool or Sunday school, I'll just skip his morning nap and put him down after lunch and he's perfectly happy for the duration of the morning. Now if we're driving anywhere around 11:30 or later he'll fall asleep in the car almost instantly and transfer to his bed when we get home without waking. Or if he does wake he still goes back to sleep when laid down.

He's my best napper for sure! The other two did well also but definitely by 18 months they {or Eli at least} was showing signs that he only needed one nap. I believe with Hannah I was just ready for the schedule to open up a bit and dropped her morning nap around 16 months.  But now Carter at 19 months can still do whatever!  And I'm LOVIN' IT!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We DID survive.

Today went smoothly enough.  It went fast.  And we're ready to go again tomorrow!  Read about Eli's kindergarten send-off HERE

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The night before. Caught up in details.

Really how many kids bring a sack lunch and how many regularly get hot lunch? Will he get his little Ziplock containers open? I know we practiced at home, but will they let free suddenly spilling all the contents right in front of all the other kids? How much of a pain is it to wait in the entire lunch line just to get milk, or should he just not buy milk and take a juice box instead? When he gets a morning milk does it just come out of his lunch account or does he have to bring separate change every day? Does he even know HOW to open a little milk carton or is someone there to help ALL the kids? Where do I go to pay lunch money for when we DO hot lunch? When I pick him up after school will he walk straight out of the building or do I go in? Will I get I.D.ed or do they know I'm his mom? When he rides the bus will he sit right in front or be somewhere in the back near the "big kids"? Ooo, don't forget SOCKS to go with his P.E. shoes! Will he leave his glasses on for P.E. even though the eye Dr said he COULD take them off then? Should I include his glasses case in his backpack or leave it at home? Are my emergency contacts really going to be able to get to him within 60 minutes, or should I choose someone else? But I can't think of anyone else! What does PTS stand for anyway? How much can I volunteer for in-school things when I still have two little ones to care for at home? Ugh, I just do NOT know what to put a check-mark next to and say I'll help do during the school year! Is it even okay to send cookies with Eli? Don't they not allow home-baked goods anymore, or that must just apply when sharing with the whole class? Did Eli actually have all his required shots--I know that shot record book is a little bit of scribbled jibberish??  Will I make friends with any of the parents? They all looked kind of weird. What's the name of the principal again? Which lady was she? Was that other lady I saw earlier tonight an actual classroom helper or who in the world was she? She sure looked a LOT like someone I knew from back home. Must learn names, must learn names. Is it bad that I'm using a Similac ice pack in Eli's lunch box? When kids learn how to read, will they know what that is and make fun of him? Or maybe if it just stays in his lunch bag no one will notice anyway?  When it's rainy, do we drive to the end of the lane to wait for the bus? Or do we just walk and wait in the barn? Do I bring all the kids then or leave Hannah and Carter inside? Or do we all always wait for the bus with Eli? Ah shoot, I forgot to have Eli practice writing his last name over the summer. Pretty sure he doesn't even know how to spell it! I never took Eli "school clothes shopping", am I missing something or can't he just wear the clothes he's been wearing? How much is this Monday thru Friday routine going to conflict with Kevin's NOT Monday thru Friday work schedule? Will we still get to go DO things as a family? Will Eli miss out on a lot of daddy time when Kevin's off and Eli has school? ...................................

Monday, August 15, 2011

My life is gonna change in a BIG WAY.

In 2 days.

My oldest is going to Kindergarten. Like all day every day kindergarten. I actually didn't know 1/2 day kindergarten existed until last year. But not here. It's full day. So we're preparing for a whole new life!

Monday thru Friday schedule. Which will be interesting because Kevin's work schedule isn't Monday thru Friday.  

 Packing a lunch box. Buying lunch box THINGS in the first place!

Getting up and GOING first thing in the morning. Or getting Eli ready at least.

He'll be riding the school bus. He's the second to last one on and the second off, so he'll only be on the bus 5 minutes there and 5 minutes home. That doesn't sound so scary or so bad with bigger kids. Figured we'd give it a try.


Hannah starts 2-day preschool next week.  So that means... For two mornings a week, it will just be Carter and me. We can run errands or go for walks while we're town or get things done around the house or just hang out like we've never gotten to do just the two of us!

It's going to be a-maaaazing!

It'll be quiet without Eli. It will be a little sad and a little weird feeling. And errands will feel like someone is missing. But mostly, I'm excited. Because Eli is excited, and he is going to do GREAT. I have no doubts. And Hannah will too. She is so ready. And hopefully these little breaks will help me to do great too!

Monday Meanderings - Aug 15

Bible Study... Just focus on reading one verse a day perhaps?

Memory Verse...  Colossians 3:15
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Cook him a meal in the afternoon when he gets up. Eggs and toast, or waffles or something.
♥ Continue with some outside yard work.

Train Them Up...
* School routine! Clothes picked out the night before, bedtime is 8pm sharp so we need to start getting ready earlier, and wake-up time will also be earlier and much more fast-paced! We're doing a practice-run tomorrow! Seems silly, I know, but it'll help Wednesday morning not feel SO rushed. 
* Start reading through Hannah's girly devotional with her.
* Start reading through Eli's boy devotional with him. Either during breakfast or after he's home from school.
* Maybe trying out a new car seat arrangement this week??  Not sure.

Personal Goals...
* Start a new book. I want to develop the love of reading!
* Run 2x this week! Slowly getting back into it...

New Habit of the Month...  {AUGUST} New school routine.

MUST Do...
* Get all of Eli's school supplies and write his name on everything.
* Read through the school handbook.
* Mail all Moppet letters out.
* Figure out what I'm bringing to Paul and Holly's BBQ on Saturday.
* Order new checks for our Health Savings account.

Zone(s)... suitcases

Menu -

T - salads
W - pizza
Th - baked beans dish
F - (fellowship night) bringing fruit salsa
S - bierochs
Su - day off

* Sending Eli to kindergarten {full day} this week is our MAJOR event! So excited for him!  
* Tuesday evening is open house and orientation at his school. Gives a chance to see his classroom again, have a short 10-min meeting with the teacher, and bring some of his larger school supplies. Such a great idea, and I definitely think it will help the 1st day go smoother!
* Friday night is ladies fellowship at church, the kick-off to fall Bible study.
* Saturday is a BBQ at Paul and Holly's house to celebrate his 30th birthday!
3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. Yard work. We're really trying to tackle our neglected yard these days and it's looking sooo much better!  It makes me feel so good to have things look tidy!
2. This wonderful, fabulous, perfect, cooler weather! It is sooo amazing to have the windows open and not have the AC's blasting loudly through the room!
3. Adventure books. Love reading these with the kids and then having loads of things to learn about afterward! So exciting! Tomorrow we'll be learning about Egypt, pyramids, and wrapping ourselves like mummies with toilet paper!  =)

Join me with YOUR weekly plans and link up below! Have a fabulous week!

1. Charity  2. CRhodes  

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TUESDAY Meanderings

I didn't get this up yesterday, we were out of town. But I DO have a list for the week, so here we go...

Bible Study... Just focus on reading one verse a day perhaps?

Memory Verse... Romans 12:11
"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Give him as much rest as possible. Seems like I keep dumping the kids on him on his days off because I just have things going on! Make it as easy for him as possible, although he is a GREAT dad on his own!
♥ Tidy up everywhere.
♥ Make sure work clothes are ready.

Train Them Up...
* Start getting into a solid bedtime routine. When school starts it will be 8PM SHARP. No outings, no anything.
* Kids clean rooms.
* Read a Tree House book with Eli.

Personal Goals...
* Recoop this week.  Keep the schedule light this week and not worry about getting extra things done. I'm just so tired.

New Habit of the Month...  {AUGUST} work on establishing new nap routine for Eli
Full cleanup at end of day.

MUST Do...
* Show up to Eli's registration day for Kindergarten.
* Email Hannah's teacher about not making it to her orientation day.
* Call all Moppet workers by the end of the week.
* Get last thank-you notes out.
* Get toddler bed to Amanda.
* Go to Pharmacy.
* Return library movie.
* Finish getting the rest of Eli's school supplies (Kleenex, Clorox Wipes)
* Send Cedar Falls friends an email about our get-together, it's coming up!

Zone(s)... suitcases

Menu - TBD

* We went home yesterday to see my grandparents while they were visiting!
* MOPS park playdate today!
* Women of Faith Conference Friday and Saturday. My first one!

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. The world of medicine! After last weekend's huge bee attack, I am SO THANKFUL!
2. Kevin. He saves my day like every day! So glad God designed man and woman differently.
3. My kids. They really are sweet.  Enjoying these last days with them before school starts next week.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Psalm

 Psalm 62

Truly my soul finds rest in God; 
my salvation comes from him. 
Truly he is my rock and my salvation; 
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. 

"My soul finds rest in God alone" This is a favorite song of mine that I've been singing in my head the past day when I had so many things running through my head I just couldn't rest even though I was so very tired.  For me, it was because the boys got attacked by a SWARM of bees they ran into in the yard. It involved dozens of stings, a trip to the ER, lots of vomitting, fever, and a very unhappy baby.  I couldn't rest knowing they were still sick. I couldn't rest knowing that people DIE from bee stings. I couldn't rest wondering if there was something more I could be doing.  We all have situations when we're troubled by life and it's sooo hard to REST.  But I could find rest knowing there is a God much MUCH bigger than this.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Kids Song: Learning routine

With the kids, we are always working on establishing an order to things. Eat dinner, ask to be excused, put plate away, wash hands...  Or get dressed, make bed, jammies away... Or go potty, wipe, flush, wash. Etc. There are always things. I'm trying to get it to be such a solid routine that I don't have to say it every single time, WITHOUT creating another chart.  So, knowing me, I came up with a SONG!!  =)

Tune: M-I-C-K-E-Y  M-O-U-S-E song

Morning routine:
I get all dressed and make my bed and put my clothes away.
That's the way
I start my day.
And then I brush my hair and my teeth. 
By myself! 
Mealtime routine:
I eat my food, I say thank you, and then I be excused.
I take my plate
And put it away.
And then I wash my hands and my face.
By myself!

Potty routine:
I wipe my bum and flush the toilet
Then I wash my hands.
I get all clean 
to wash the germs
That's the way we go potty every day.
By myself!

This also encourages a child's independence as they learn to do more and more things by themselves every day!