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Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Meanderings - Aug 15

Bible Study... Just focus on reading one verse a day perhaps?

Memory Verse...  Colossians 3:15
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Cook him a meal in the afternoon when he gets up. Eggs and toast, or waffles or something.
♥ Continue with some outside yard work.

Train Them Up...
* School routine! Clothes picked out the night before, bedtime is 8pm sharp so we need to start getting ready earlier, and wake-up time will also be earlier and much more fast-paced! We're doing a practice-run tomorrow! Seems silly, I know, but it'll help Wednesday morning not feel SO rushed. 
* Start reading through Hannah's girly devotional with her.
* Start reading through Eli's boy devotional with him. Either during breakfast or after he's home from school.
* Maybe trying out a new car seat arrangement this week??  Not sure.

Personal Goals...
* Start a new book. I want to develop the love of reading!
* Run 2x this week! Slowly getting back into it...

New Habit of the Month...  {AUGUST} New school routine.

MUST Do...
* Get all of Eli's school supplies and write his name on everything.
* Read through the school handbook.
* Mail all Moppet letters out.
* Figure out what I'm bringing to Paul and Holly's BBQ on Saturday.
* Order new checks for our Health Savings account.

Zone(s)... suitcases

Menu -

T - salads
W - pizza
Th - baked beans dish
F - (fellowship night) bringing fruit salsa
S - bierochs
Su - day off

* Sending Eli to kindergarten {full day} this week is our MAJOR event! So excited for him!  
* Tuesday evening is open house and orientation at his school. Gives a chance to see his classroom again, have a short 10-min meeting with the teacher, and bring some of his larger school supplies. Such a great idea, and I definitely think it will help the 1st day go smoother!
* Friday night is ladies fellowship at church, the kick-off to fall Bible study.
* Saturday is a BBQ at Paul and Holly's house to celebrate his 30th birthday!
3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. Yard work. We're really trying to tackle our neglected yard these days and it's looking sooo much better!  It makes me feel so good to have things look tidy!
2. This wonderful, fabulous, perfect, cooler weather! It is sooo amazing to have the windows open and not have the AC's blasting loudly through the room!
3. Adventure books. Love reading these with the kids and then having loads of things to learn about afterward! So exciting! Tomorrow we'll be learning about Egypt, pyramids, and wrapping ourselves like mummies with toilet paper!  =)

Join me with YOUR weekly plans and link up below! Have a fabulous week!

1. Charity  2. CRhodes  

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Charity said...

I don't know what kind of books you like. But there are quite a few Christian e-books available on Amazon for very cheap (under $4) or free. They change often and don't stay the sale price very long. But you can get a daily email letting you know what is new that day.

Also, several publishers will send you free copies of books to review and post your review on your blog, a seller's site (like Amazon), and the publisher site (or at least the links to the other two. I currently get books from Thomas Nelson, Waterbrook Multnomah, Zondervan, Bethany House, Tyndale, and read galleys of books before they come out from Net Galley (hosts many publishers, both Christian and non-Christian).

The Fischer Family said...

I really need to start doing this with you! Especially since the Simple Woman's Daybook is no more, this would be an even better replacement! Next week, next week I will start!