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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

WFMW: Quick Kitchen Cleanup

This is a simple idea, but I thought I'd pass it on anyway... instead of peeling things (potatoes, carrots, apples, egg shell, etc) onto a cutting board and then when done having to take the lid off the trash can so I can carefully scrape it into the trash, then put the trash can lid back on. OR directly peeling over the trash can and accidentally dropping your produce in it... I peel veggies or whatever onto a piece of paper towel, so when I'm done I just fold up the paper towel, toss it in the trash, and move on! It's as quick as the time it took you to read those words! And it certainly works for me!

For more great tips, visit Rocks in My Dryer!


Jamie said...

And no cutting board to wash! Gonna do this one!

Sharon said...

Good idea. :)
I HATE cleaning the cutting boards. I don't know why, but it drives me nuts. I'll have to try this.

I used to try and peel directly over the trash can, but I lost a few too many vegetables that way! lol

paul said...

I usually lay a plastic grocery bag or the produce bag that the veggies came in on top of the cutting board and do my peeling on that. It saves the mess AND recycles!

Anonymous said...

We always peel veggies onto a newspaper.

Kacey said...

I, like paul, use my plastic grocery bag and then just roll it up and throw it away! Works for Me, too! Thanks for sharing!

Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

I just saw my mom do this the other day, great idea!

Sarah @ Ordinary Days said...

I use a cutting board at least 3 or 4 times a day. So anything that can help cut back on cutting board cleaning is a wonderful! Thanks for the tip.