Bible Study
book of Isaiah
Memory Verse
1 John 3:18 "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
Husband Encouragement
* make him cookies
Train Them Up
* continue working on kids' chores-- start reviewing them in the morning so they'll (hopefully) remember to do them on their own throughout the day
* make cookies. I'm not up for making from scratch this time, so we'll do some ready-to-put-on-the-tray kind so the kids can mostly do it all by themselves! instead of me always telling them no, no, no to one thing or another.
* Bible verse: Luke 6:30-31 "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you."
Absolutely MUST Do
*Plan MOPS activities and send out postcards.
* Get ornaments for our MOPS exchange.
* Set up van appointment.
* Mail package.
* Put together Christmas photo cards before the FREE deal expires the end of TODAY! We never could get another family photo done so I'm just going with one we've already got.
1. Bathrooms.
2. Put ALL the laundry away. Ever since I started folding laundry on the guest bed instead of on our bed (because Kevin was sleeping in there for so long during outage), I've gotten into the bad habit of never getting everything putting all away.
3. Suitcases cleaned out and put away from our Thanksgiving weekend home.
Menu - trying for easy stuff as I'm still battling a horrible cold, but also trying to pick things I know Hannah likes because she's been really picky lately!
Monday - we have to run out to pick up Kevin's truck before he leaves for work, and while we're up there we need to get our weekly groceries. We'll probably be walking in the door barely in time for dinner. so I'll just get a couple lunchables for the kids and make a sandwich for myself.
Tuesday - chicken and rice soup (can style)
Wednesday - green eggs and ham, toast, fruit
Thursday - dad's spaghetti, garlic bread
Friday - cheesy spinach and artichoke dip (we have tortilla chips leftover from last week), fruit salad, smokies
Saturday - broccoli and four cheese calzones (finishing the ricotta from last week), peaches
Sunday - frozen pizza
* Put up Christmas decorations! Kevin works nights for 3 days this week and then he has 4 days off over next weekend, so it'll be a perfect time to put up our tree and lights outside!
* Because Kevin's days off are actually over the weekend again, he can come to church with us! It's been months since he's been to our church and seen our friends! I don't know how he can stand it!
Join me with your weekly plans! Have a blessed week!

book of Isaiah
Memory Verse
1 John 3:18 "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
Husband Encouragement
* make him cookies
Train Them Up
* continue working on kids' chores-- start reviewing them in the morning so they'll (hopefully) remember to do them on their own throughout the day
* make cookies. I'm not up for making from scratch this time, so we'll do some ready-to-put-on-the-tray kind so the kids can mostly do it all by themselves! instead of me always telling them no, no, no to one thing or another.
* Bible verse: Luke 6:30-31 "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you."
Absolutely MUST Do
*Plan MOPS activities and send out postcards.
* Get ornaments for our MOPS exchange.
* Set up van appointment.
* Mail package.
* Put together Christmas photo cards before the FREE deal expires the end of TODAY! We never could get another family photo done so I'm just going with one we've already got.
1. Bathrooms.
2. Put ALL the laundry away. Ever since I started folding laundry on the guest bed instead of on our bed (because Kevin was sleeping in there for so long during outage), I've gotten into the bad habit of never getting everything putting all away.
3. Suitcases cleaned out and put away from our Thanksgiving weekend home.
Menu - trying for easy stuff as I'm still battling a horrible cold, but also trying to pick things I know Hannah likes because she's been really picky lately!
Monday - we have to run out to pick up Kevin's truck before he leaves for work, and while we're up there we need to get our weekly groceries. We'll probably be walking in the door barely in time for dinner. so I'll just get a couple lunchables for the kids and make a sandwich for myself.
Tuesday - chicken and rice soup (can style)
Wednesday - green eggs and ham, toast, fruit
Thursday - dad's spaghetti, garlic bread
Friday - cheesy spinach and artichoke dip (we have tortilla chips leftover from last week), fruit salad, smokies
Saturday - broccoli and four cheese calzones (finishing the ricotta from last week), peaches
Sunday - frozen pizza
* Put up Christmas decorations! Kevin works nights for 3 days this week and then he has 4 days off over next weekend, so it'll be a perfect time to put up our tree and lights outside!
* Because Kevin's days off are actually over the weekend again, he can come to church with us! It's been months since he's been to our church and seen our friends! I don't know how he can stand it!
Join me with your weekly plans! Have a blessed week!