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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Signs we eat out too much...

From Eli of course...

1. French toast is called "French fry toast".

2. My French horn is called a "French fry pump". (explanation on this one, my parents have a pump organ in their house, so Eli's confusing the "pump" from the music-making organ with the music-making French horn. Or something like that.)

3. He stands under a small step ladder and pokes his head out the side saying, "hamburger and fries please!"

4. A nearly complete train set thanks to Sonic kids meals.

have a good day!


cryssi said...

lol...sounds like our house...when the girls play, they ask for Dr. Pepper easy ice...lol...


Jennifer said...

I remember an eating out phase we went through when my daughter was younger. She had about 5 of the exact same toddler toy from Wendy's. How many Frosty dump trucks can one girl have!?!?

Now she tells us what we're all going to order if we drive through (we always order the same thing at Wendy's drive-thru). Too funny!

HDMac said...

LOL :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! How are you?

I really, really need prayer.. do you think you could visit my blog and bring any other Sisters in Christ over too?

God bless you!

Anonymous said...

I had a good laugh with this post!!