In the meantime, here are my prayer requests for these last couple weeks and delivery:
* comfort and good rest through the rest of the pregnancy. I'm feeling great, BUT in the evenings around 8-10pm Baby Girl starts going crazy in there and her movements are very uncomfortable! she's running out of room in there!
* good timing of labor. Because we have to depend on other families to watch Eli while we're in the hospital, I pray that the timing all works itself out such that we're not inconveniencing these wonderful friends who have offered to take care of our sweet boy.
* natural labor BEFORE the due date! (please!) Or just patience, maybe. I went 7 days past the due date with Eli and though it doesn't seem like a big deal, it was. I was comfortable but the emotions you go through as each day passed was pretty awful!
* obviously, for an uncomplicated labor and healthy baby
* that Baby Girl can breastfeed just fine. I had a miserable time with Eli. He just could not get it, even though I was doing everything right. We tried for several weeks, but even after seeing two different lactation consultants, it wasn't any better and we gave up. It was very emotionally challenging as a mother who really wanted that relationship with her baby. So I pray that it goes better this time!
* the transition for Eli as we welcome a new baby into our home. In a couple weeks he'll be 19 months, so he doesn't really understand what's going on. He'll find out soon enough!
* safe travels for family and friends that will be visiting soon after!
Okay, I think that's about it. Thank you all for your wonderful prayers! I'll keep you updated!
For more thankful posts, visit Iris! Have a great week, dear friends!