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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Husband Encouragement Challenge: Day 7

Reflections on yesterday...
The day started off good. Kevin worked a looong day so when he got home, I greeted him and gave him a little time to relax even though MY day had been very stressful with Eli crying all afternoon at his naptime. We did something fun for dinner since at work they grilled the same thing we were supposed to have for dinner. Sure, I could have shifted around our meal plans, but instead I threw out the idea to go to Panera Bread for a Crispani since I know Kevin likes those so much and we haven't been there in awhile. So we went out, enjoyed our dinner, and when we came home, he was tired, so I let him lay on the couch while Eli played on the floor. After a short while, we bathed Eli and put him to bed. Again, Eli was crying instead of just going right to sleep like he usually does (we really think he's teething this week, so it's been a looong week), so I was getting pretty frustrated. Then I was working on something and not finding what I needed. Let's just say there was an explosion at our house. I don't know who snapped first, but we're both pretty fiery people and once we get started, it's pretty ugly. And it usually ends with me just walking out the door, taking a couple laps around the block, and coming back calmer and ready to apologize. And that's exactly how it went. I came back, said I was sorry for snapping, Kevin apologized, and it was over. Everything was fine. It was a silly little tiff, and it shouldn't have happened. Goodness, the first night of Mom not being here anymore, and then this. Much of it had to do with me having such a hard day with Eli, but that's no excuse. So, since I'm sure today will be much of the same with Eli, I need to start off stronger, find strength from somewhere. Hmm, the Bible maybe? =)

Okay, let's look at our challenge for today...

30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge
By Nancy Leigh DeMoss

June 7--DAY 7

"Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease! . . . for riches certainly make themselves wings . . ." Prov. 23:4-5

"That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, that I may fill their treasuries." Proverbs 8:21

Money is the root of much marital discord. Ask yourself, "Am I being negative toward my husband in the area of finances?" Determine not to speak evil of your husband in this area. Discover ways to encourage and help him instead.

Does your husband handle finances wisely? Does he make good financial investments, based on biblical principles? Does he have a budget? Does he make wise decisions about purchases—checking many sources before he buys? Is he a good steward of his money before the Lord? Let him know how much you appreciate his strengths in financial matters.

If he is weak in this area, encourage any good decisions that he does make. Perhaps you can help him, if he's open to the idea, by organizing financial files or providing other practical assistance. Or, if he wants you to handle the finances, ask for his input before you make decisions that will affect him.

Ooo, this is going to be a challenging one for me. We're always disagreeing about finances. But I'll see what I can do today to be really encouraging about the good decisions he makes.

So if you're in this today, leave your name below!


Anonymous said...

Shawn does take care of our finances. I took care of finances when we were in Georiga, but now we have switched roles. We keep an excel spreadsheet of our budget. Shawn does a good job at plugging the numbers in, but me being anal, I have to double check sometimes! If we have a major purchase, he does ALOT of research before we buy. So, all of that is a plus. The only thing he or we should work on is excess spending. I think sometimes he buys a lot, but when it comes down to it I am just as guilty. One thing we HAVE cut down on is eating out 2-4 times a week. You would be surprised at how much it adds up! So, I want to take on the challenge of if Shawns says, "We really don't need this right now or go there right now," then I should take his word and NOT bargain. :) Like I said in my last blog; I am glad we can live on just his paycheck, but at the same time being thrifty is even more important! Which as I just stated can be hard to do!!!
*** The last two days have been the best as far as being positive to Shawn*** LT

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to having a unnecessary argument recently. You are totally not alone. I was pretty disappointed when I got home on Monday after my interview. Shawn was trying to encourage me and tell me everything will work out. I on the other hand was just upset and really didn't want to talk and basically picked a fight. I ended up going into our computer room and just not talking to the world. I did apologize later, but I felt really bad. I totally agree, if someone is having a bad day, then something will happen, and it will just set you off!! What do most couples fight about the most? FINANCES! Transitioning from working to going to school to trying to find a job can cause many arguments!!!! Your spouse has their idea of your expectations. LT